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  1. J

    Rough idle on 06 4.0

    Yes I do! What should I be looking for?
  2. J

    Rough idle on 06 4.0

    I've been having a really rough idle on my 06 mustang with the 4.0. In park it doesn't idle nearly as bad, but it's still rough. When put in drive or reverse, the rpms drop so low that it nearly stalls out. On average it idles at around 550rpm at operating temp, however when put into drive or...
  3. J

    No start/stall 06 Mustang V6

    I recently purchased a mustang for pretty cheap from a family friend, known issues were that the cats needed to be replaced because they were clogged. I recently replaced the cats, however immediately after replacing the cats it's having an issue with starting. It started fine about 6-7 times...

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