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  1. B

    2 valve block in a 3 valve

    Can anyone else chime in and give real life experience? I have been told that I can use the 2 valve pistons with the 3 valve heads as long as I lock out the cams. I will be running the Brenspeed blower cams in this motor. I will be upgrading springs, but Brenspeed says you can run these cams...
  2. B

    2 valve block in a 3 valve

    Thanks for the info. Just trying to get parts together to save time. I worry about valve clearance even if I bolt a head on and nothing interferes due to the variable timing control. Probably just going to get new pistons to be safe. Not worth the catastrophic alternative.
  3. B

    2 valve block in a 3 valve

    Did a search and can't find a good answer. I bought a 2 valve short block with forged internals to replace my low compression 3 valve block . It has a set if -10.55 dish pistons installed. Do I need a new set of pistons with valve reliefs or will these pistons work? I do have Brenspeed blower...

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