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  • Hey hope you have some advice, my car startd dropping rims and stalling, no code, then a p0345 ,I replaces the cps sensor,vct solenoid no change in issues, however I can unplug the vct solenoid and not get the issues until about 20 minutes and the same issue as I get with the vct solenoid plugged up
    Hi Gregory McDonald. My interpretation based on your posting is that you have worn out\broken VCT cam phaser(s)..........
    what do you read to learn all the fundamentals of how everything works., it cant just b iihs online fsm. it doesnt seem indepth enough
    Depends on which part of the iihs fsm you're reading. This fsm was written for Ford service line mechs to use to diagnosis & repair so there's some good info in there. If you know what topic you want info on concerning these Modular 3V's then Google is your friend. The rest is up to you.
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