First Time at the track, Summit Point.


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Dec 16, 2011
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I did my first track event this past Friday. It was a “Friday at the Track” at Summit Point Raceway, so I figured that I would put together one of these threads for myself.

First a little about background about me.

I got into driving back in 1997 in a Pacific Green Mustang Cobra. I did Solo Trials on the old runways at Stapleton for a couple of seasons and did pretty well. I tried Autocrossing then as well and pretty much sucked at it.
I got out of the sport for several years until 2011 when I picked up my current Mustang. I have been attending most of the local events since 2011 with varying levels of success. I am clearly not the fastest driver in my region, but I am not the slowest either.

The car setup is pretty tame since it is my daily driver, but it does pretty well. The current set up is:

Engine – large Steeda CAI and SW long tube headers with high flow cats. I am running a 91 Octane Bama tune, but I am shopping for a new tuner as I am unhappy with the current philosophy of locking down everything and forcing customers to start the tuning and fine tuning process over just to change gear ratios, but I digress).

Standard MT82 with an MGW shifter, stock 2 piece driveshaft, Torsen T2R with 3:55 gears. (went down from 3:73, see comment about tune above). ACT clutch and lightweight flywheel.

Suspension and Brakes – Tokico D-Spec, going on 4 years old now. Currently set to 2 turns off of full soft. Steeda Ultralight springs, Maximum Motorsports Caster/Camber plates, BMR upper control arm with a nylon bushing at the top and a spherical on the diff and a Fays2 Watts link. I didn’t get the Brembo Package but I did upgrade to the Stoptech ST40 355mm BBK. Brake pads are the Stoptech pads up front and Hawk HPS on the rear (more on this later) Wheels are TSW Nurburgring in 19x9.5 wraped in 285/35 Hankook Ventus V12s. These are my daily drivers since the only other tires I have are my Hoosiers for Autox

With driver the car is sitting at 3825 lbs.

The track is about two and a half to three hours from my house so I loaded up the AutoX trailer with worst case scenario supplies (an old set of street wheels and tires in case there was an off that damaged the wheels, brake fluid, Motive bleeder, tools, old rotors, pads and the stock front calipers, jack, jack stands, etc) and headed out around 4am. I got to the event early, but since I have to take the Beltway and go around DC I figured early was better than late.

BSR/Summit Point splits the run groups out into 3 groups. Group 1A was Noobs, this would be my group. 1B was some experience, but still very green Then there was 2 and 2i. group 2i was more experienced drivers but still require an instructor and 2 is everyone else.

All group 1 drivers were required to attend a morning meeting where we were introduced to the track, flags, what the instructors require of us and very basic vehicle dynamics. The instructor leading the class was engaging, excited and did a good job of going over the basics. We were going to be broken up into our respective run groups, my group would start on the track and then head to the skid pad.

When the cars line up the instructors walk up and down, surveying the cars and making judgments about which car they want to trust their life too. I was picked near the end, and was starting to feel like the fat kid in gym class. Turns out the instructors tend to gravitate to the slower, lighter cars with the beginner groups which makes sense from a not dying perspective. My instructor got in and took the first two laps at the wheel, checking out the car and showing me the line he wanted me to follow.

Now it was my turn. I have to admit I was a bit concerned. I have seen many times what happens when I get sloppy autocrossing and have looped my car many times. I started off tentative and focused on the line, then started working up my speed. I have a patchwork telemetry system put together with a tablet, external GPS device, blue-tooth OBD and GoPro camera, but I decided that for the morning heats I would be better served forgetting about those and focusing on the driving. So I have no data or video from the morning. The first heat went well, speeds on the straight were crossing 120 before braking. My braking zones were getting deeper. I kept turning in early and was having to fight it. It wasn’t until the second heat that it clicked as to what I was doing. When I am autocrossing I am tossing the car so violently from side to side and pushing so hard that the car is slipping a hair just after turn in and working itself online with throttle. I was driver more conservative on the track and I hadn’t adjusted. Once I figured that out I started getting more consistent with my corner entry. In my first event I only had to give one point by, it was an instructors Blue Boss 302 and he was flying out of turn 10 (final turn before the straight).
After first heat I spent a couple of minutes going over some points with the instructor and then it was off to the skid pad. BSR provides Crown Vics for skid pad practice. The instructor works the throttle and brakes and the student works the wheel. It was a hoot, but at 43 years old with a lot of snow driving in Mustangs in my life it wasn’t much of a challenge.

Right after the skid pad it was back out on track. This time I was really focusing on the line and was starting to get some good laps in. I was having to manage traffic as I gaining on most cars in my run group. A sample lap would have me between 120 and 135 at the braking zone going into turn 1. I was braking early to leave plenty of room for error and the easing into the turn and putting the power down as I ran out to the outside edge of turn 2, then it was a straight shoot down at the turn 3 and 4 combo, both left handers with the trackout point on 4 being blind over the crest of a small hill. This turn scared the crap out of me, it was awkward and bounded by a large sand trap. After there was another crest and turn 5, an off camber right with a very short chute before the tight 6,7,7a,8,9 combination. This corner felt like it could wipe the car off the track if you weren’t paying attention, but as long as you stayed on the gas it was easy enough to navigate. The curvy section was difficult to get figured out in the big heavy car of mine, but I have to say she was very predictable. On the throttle through 6, slight lift to get the rear to rotate into 7, on the throttle through 7a and 8 on stay on the gas into 9 if you are brave enough (I did chicken lift) nice straight under the bridge, crest the hill then brake for turn 10, a fast right hander with a long trackout, extra asphalt after the kerb and a lot of sand on the other side. I struggled with this corner all day. And after looking at the video and telemetry from later in the day I found that I was taking it way too easy through there.

When the second session was over it was time to meet up in the classroom again for a brief rundown. I decided that I was shifting too much and that I needed to simplify. After class was lunch and instructor sessions. Nor ( my instructor) offered to let me hop in the passenger seat of the spec Miata for that sessions.

HOLY CRAP was that fun. Momentum racing is a blast! I rode the entire 20 minute session with him and I have to give him props, he drove the ever-loving crap out of that little car. We even got a point by from an instructor in a school bus yellow Boss 302.

After instructor time it was back on track, this time I decided to turn on video and telemetry. I got good video but had issues recording lap data. My third was an exercise in self-control and managing traffic. I couldn’t find much free space on track and have a lot of video of the back of a red c6 and a white and silver c7 Vette. I worked on my line while stuck in the slower traffic and pitted a few times to get some space to open up in front of me. This was usually gone halfway through the first lap back out. The car was running strong, it was predictable and unexciting in a good way. It would respond to throttle inputs very smoothly the brakes never once got mushy. I did have issues with a silver Audi who made me very uncomfortable. He broke way early, went way offline and was not predictable. At one point, instead of giving me a point by he went offline to the right and pointed me to the left, which was opposite of what should have been done at that point. I backed out of the gas and waited for him to pull back in line. The red vette had the same braking problem, but that guy would never give me a point by, his instructor finally started doing them instead. On one of the laps in session 4 I was passing him on the long straight instead of lifting and letter me overtake and move back on line he continued to accelerate alongside me and forced me to take a pinched inside line into the corner. At the end of session 3 both me and my instructor missed the checkered flag, the silver was offline again, and his position blocked the flagger at the pit exit. So as everyone behind me is pitting I went flying out onto the front straight with a clear track. My instructor tells me we missed the flag, but don’t worry, don’t lift, clear track. Well until we get back to the twitsty part where there was an offcourse and workers were cleaning up the mess. We putted around from there to pits. We took the black flag and went to talk to the marshal. Nor explained the situation to the marshal, got looked at disapprovingly and went on his way.

My last session was with another instructor to get a different take. This session was even worse as far as traffic goes and was pretty uneventful. I did get the track data to record for that session and I turned a best lap of 1:40.7 near the end of the session I noticed I was starting to get a dull headache and I felt like I was making bad decisions. I broke to lightly for turn 1, was way offline for turn 3 and told Kai (Instructor #2) that I was taking myself off the track. I was losing focus and it was time to head out. As I pulled into the pits the checkered flag was brought out so I didn’t really miss any track time.

I know this was a lot of words, but here is the takeaway.
Brakes. Never faded, but wore from ¾ to ¼ in a single day. Time to consider options for better pads and get some cooling. They were getting pretty hot. With the 355mm stoptech I might have to either cut down a premade set or fab something up since the stoptech rotors sit further inboard than the Brembos. I was running RBF600 fluid and I never had a soft peddle, but it was starting to look pretty dark when I got done.
Tires. Not Hoosiers, but they were predictable and never caused my any issues during the day, I could see a more track oriented tire making a world of difference.

General setup. Car felt great, throttle on understeer, throttle off oversteer when I wanted it. I couldn’t be happier with how easy it was to drive.

Driver. Stayed at 8/10th most of the day. I still have payments and wanted to make sure that I had plenty of room to recover from any errors I might make, but even driving conservatively I had an absolute blast. both instructors gave me high marks and recommended I be moved into the next run group next time I go.

I pulled out my Sparco seat and chose to use the stock belts. I use a rigid seat and 4 point harness for AutoX, but without a cage and at least a 5 point I am not comfortable with using them on the track.

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session 3

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Session 4



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Dec 16, 2011
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Will try to post youtube video later, having issues right now.
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Dec 16, 2011
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Mike Rousch

Official Vendor
Sep 30, 2009
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It looks like you had a great time witch is really the only thing that matters! I am also a total noob at open track stuff to, So my advise will be limited. I can tell you to get some cooling ducts. I think everyone here will advise that if you continue to do this. Also think about getting some track insurance.While It does add about 200 to the weekend cost it is well worth it if something where to happen. You can go through Lockton Affinity.

I have never been to Summit point yet, but a bunch of us are going to VIR the first weekend in October with Nasa if you want to go. They will probably put you in group 1 first until you learn the line of the track but quickly move you up to group 2. VIR will carry a bit more speed over Summit so those cooling ducts will really help you there if you decide to go. Vorshlag and Ford racing sell a pretty simple bolt on kit for this.

I can help you out on your concerns with tuning though. I am not going to bash Bama, You can do your own research on that. There is a reason while everyone (including them) locks the options menu in the flashers now. The first and main reason is say you change your rear end gears in the option menu, 9 out of 10 times it will also return the rev limiter to the stock settings and also screw with a few other things as well. This is a problem that most of us tuners have experienced so its just common practice now to lock the options. Second reason is these cars (5.0) . They can and will torch themselves pretty quickly. So i would never leave fueling and timing options unlocked for someone to play with. I hope that helps understand while no one leaves these options open in the newer cars.


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Dec 16, 2011
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It looks like you had a great time witch is really the only thing that matters! I am also a total noob at open track stuff to, So my advise will be limited. I can tell you to get some cooling ducts. I think everyone here will advise that if you continue to do this. Also think about getting some track insurance.While It does add about 200 to the weekend cost it is well worth it if something where to happen. You can go through Lockton Affinity.

I have never been to Summit point yet, but a bunch of us are going to VIR the first weekend in October with Nasa if you want to go. They will probably put you in group 1 first until you learn the line of the track but quickly move you up to group 2. VIR will carry a bit more speed over Summit so those cooling ducts will really help you there if you decide to go. Vorshlag and Ford racing sell a pretty simple bolt on kit for this.

I can help you out on your concerns with tuning though. I am not going to bash Bama, You can do your own research on that. There is a reason while everyone (including them) locks the options menu in the flashers now. The first and main reason is say you change your rear end gears in the option menu, 9 out of 10 times it will also return the rev limiter to the stock settings and also screw with a few other things as well. This is a problem that most of us tuners have experienced so its just common practice now to lock the options. Second reason is these cars (5.0) . They can and will torch themselves pretty quickly. So i would never leave fueling and timing options unlocked for someone to play with. I hope that helps understand while no one leaves these options open in the newer cars.

I had the Lockton insurance for this outing, and I won't go near the track without it.

As far as brake cooling goes I am trying to find a solution that will work for me, and I was hoping someone from Vorschlag would pop it at some point. The Stoptech st40 355mm setup runs a little further inboard than the stock brakes and the cooling plates would have to be inside of the opening of the rotor, I have been told that the Vorschlag plates tuck in to the 380mm rotors nicely, but I have no idea if they will work with the 355s. I would buy them and just cut them down if they were too large, but I have two problems with that. I suck at metal work, and the way the ducts are run they are close to the edge and I think I would end up cutting away from of that as well, which would hurt the efficiency of the cooling and let the air just dump out on the face of the rotor.

As far as the tune goes, I am not going to bash Bama either. The tune I have is great, but my speedometer is off. I just find it annoying that I have a member number, and lifetime tunes, and they have no retention of my tune files so to change tire size I have to start over. That and stopped modifying the rev limiter behavior so the new tunes would drop the car on its face instead of just bouncing off, and I just wasn't happy with the direction the tuning was going.

So I run with the wrong gear ratio in my tune. If I make any major changes I will have to find someone else, that is all I am going to say about that.

As far as VIR goes, I have to figure out the brake pads and cooling solution before I go back to a track.


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Dec 16, 2011
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I guess I should have read the Vorschlag site a little closer, they state clearly that their cooling will not fit with Stoptech brakes. I guess I am going to have to look elsewhere or try to figure out how to fabricate something. I might try cutting down my stock heat shields so they tuck inside the center of the rotor and try welding a 3 in inlet onto them...

I hope that over time this thread will serve others as an example of how to do things wrong a few times before cobbling something together that works, but ends up costing 4 times more than it should have.


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Dec 16, 2011
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Nice writeup and sweet S197! Looks like fun!

Thanks. I had a blast.
Since it was my first time out I was pretty conservative in every aspect. I never felt that I was using more than 80% of what I feel I was capable of at any time to allow for any thing unexpected that might pop. I am sure that as I get more time that will change.


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Nov 6, 2011
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As far as the tune goes, I am not going to bash Bama either. The tune I have is great, but my speedometer is off. I just find it annoying that I have a member number, and lifetime tunes, and they have no retention of my tune files so to change tire size I have to start over. That and stopped modifying the rev limiter behavior so the new tunes would drop the car on its face instead of just bouncing off, and I just wasn't happy with the direction the tuning was going.

So I run with the wrong gear ratio in my tune. If I make any major changes I will have to find someone else, that is all I am going to say about that.

As far as VIR goes, I have to figure out the brake pads and cooling solution before I go back to a track.
You can change that yourself if you're tired of those guys...I did that with my iTSX by playing around with the menus before cranking the car. I couldn't load the new tune from email and the only change was switching from a 3.31 to a 3.73. Otherwise, no complaints.

As far as VIR goes, I have to figure out the brake pads and cooling solution before I go back to a track.
When will you be there? I'm instructing with Tarheel Sports Car Club on September 6/7.



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Dec 16, 2011
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When will you be there? I'm instructing with Tarheel Sports Car Club on September 6/7.


VIR will have to wait for next year, I have to spend some money taking the wife on vacation. I can't complain though, she has bought me about half of my parts, and even surprised me with my headers last year, so a cruise now and then is a worthwhile investment.

I have started putting together a build sheet starting from the brakes and working up so I am starting to get that budget together.


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Nov 6, 2011
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VIR will have to wait for next year, I have to spend some money taking the wife on vacation. I can't complain though, she has bought me about half of my parts, and even surprised me with my headers last year, so a cruise now and then is a worthwhile investment.
Wanna trade wives? Mine buys me clothes and other crap for presents (except a HF tool chest for Father's Day) and complains about the money I spend. :D

LMK when you hit VIR.


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Nov 6, 2011
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I know deer can wander onto nearly any track. But coupled with Summit Point's less-than-stellar safety reputation, especially of late, I don't think I'll be running there anytime soon.


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Dec 16, 2011
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I know deer can wander onto nearly any track. But coupled with Summit Point's less-than-stellar safety reputation, especially of late, I don't think I'll be running there anytime soon.

NASA had an HPDE the day after I was there and a guy in a new CTS-V hit the pit wall just after turn 10.


el blanco nino
Feb 15, 2011
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Huntsville, AL
Great write up, Steve! I just started doing track days this year myself, with a few in my Miata and one in the Stang. You are right, a momentum car is crazy fun, especially on a short course, but the power of the Mustang is king on a high speeed track.

I have never been to Summit Point. it looks like a blast...but does everyone hit a deer up there???? LOL

And what do you think of the Strano sway bars? I am running D-specs myself, with H&R SS springs. I've been looking at adding the Strano sways to my set up as well (currently stock).


forum member
Dec 16, 2011
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Great write up, Steve! I just started doing track days this year myself, with a few in my Miata and one in the Stang. You are right, a momentum car is crazy fun, especially on a short course, but the power of the Mustang is king on a high speeed track.

I have never been to Summit Point. it looks like a blast...but does everyone hit a deer up there???? LOL

And what do you think of the Strano sway bars? I am running D-specs myself, with H&R SS springs. I've been looking at adding the Strano sways to my set up as well (currently stock).

I have been using them for a few years, and currently I am running them on full soft. I can say that on the track the car was predictable, and was easily controllable with the throttle. Of course YMMV depending on your setup.

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