2013 NAV Default Screen Question


Aug 18, 2007
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I know this is going to sound kinda lame, but it is really bugging me. I have a 2013 GT with the NAV and dual climate system. I also have a GT500 equipped the same way.

In my GT500, when the car starts, by default it goes to the home screen. After the car is on for a few seconds, it automatically switches to what ever the last screen was open when the car was turned off... i.e. the map, climate, etc. My GT always goes to the home screen and never changes. I always have to press the buttons to get to where I want it to stay (which is the map 99% of the time)

Does anyone know how to make the GT NAV system work the same as GT500 NAV? I have been in every window/tab option screen in both cars and can't find anywhere to set this feature.

I know it's not a difference between the two cars because both systems are identical in firmware and software revision information and a 2013 CS I test drove a few months back worked the same as the GT500.

There is nothing in the owner's manual and I can't find anything online. I tried calling the service department at a local dealer and I might as well been talking to a 3.5 year old autistic kid...

My wife said I should stop being lazy and press the button. So, she's not allowed in my car anymore. JK/LOL. I'm out of resources if you guys don't know.

I appreciate any help.


EDIT: This is all I can find in the manual (pg 363)...

You can split the screen in to two or three different sections, or you can
choose to have one main view.

The one main view is where I am trying to get.
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