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  • Just wanted to stop by and let you know that a guy on YouTube by the name of LegitStreetcars recently bought your 1999 cobra mustang that was in a magazine years ago. Thought you might want to check it out if you didn’t know already!
    Black friday sale live now!!! Black Friday Sale - Performance Auto Parts ~ Beefcake Racing
    I have 39 pound fuel injectors what would be your best price on a Vortech V3 intercooled and non intercooled (prefer black version if possible) or what other non intercoole centrifugal superchargers and roots style do you carry that do not require tapping into oil system? and price for those. This is for a 2010 Mustang GT 5spd manual trans.
    Interested in doing blower on my car what could u do for me I have a brand new t-trim head unit that I'd like to use I already gave vortech the numbers on it and the said it will fit there standard brackets. They told me they can sell a kit minus the head unit. So basically I'm looking for everything (fuelsystem as we'll) just no tune and no headunit
    Do you carry borla XR-1 headers for 2012 gt? If so how good r these? I have s-type cat back and interested on full borla set up. Thnx!!
    Very interested in a Paxton novi setup for my 2011 GT. I already have a tuner and so I'm looking for kit price and fuel management price. If you could also give me pricing on vortech options, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your time.
    I have a couple of questions and an explaination of vibration and growling noise from my tranny that I would like your input on if you don't mind.
    I really don't want to post this publically just yet. I would like to just email you directly if that is Okay as the explanation was over the character limit for the pm.

    My email is [email protected]. Just email me directly if you are okay with it and have a few minutes. I am stumped on this problem and you have a similar setup as me.

    BTW great job on you car and your times!

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