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  • Hello, I would like to list my car for sale but it says I don't have that ability? I have been a member for over a year but ?

    Thank you
    Hello sir, I am new to the group, and just want to ask if there is an appropriate forum on here where I could look for a 1967 Mustang I built years ago to see if someone recognizes it and could share info about it? Thanks!
    Sorry that it took me 9 friggin' months to reply to you. I never got a notification that you messaged me. Probably too late now, but you could ask that in the pitstop or general mustang chat forum areas
    Hey, can you tell which admin or mod to message about selling something in the parts for sale? I think I've been on here for a while, just never really have posted anything so I can't try to sell my unused x-pipe. Thanks in advance for your help.
    i cant post a new thread to the classifieds in the mustang parts section. can you please tell me what i have to do to be able to sell parts? it told me to contact a admin to fix the problem. thank you
    can i post an ad to sell a 2007 shelby cobra? if yes, how do i do it. thanks very much.
    i actually worked with a jewish white south african doctor....he did check off african american on his application just to f with the HR dept. at the hospital :)
    I was told that my name violates some rule and to contact you, because my screenname also happens to be the web address to my online portfolio. Do I need to change it, and if so, how do I do it.

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