my texas mile story


i need to get blown
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Corpus Christi,TX
well this friday saturday and sunday i was at the texas mile in goliad texas for you that dont know it is a top speed event that is one mile long. i have been wanting to go ever since i went and watched about 6 months ago this was before i had my car even. so when i got my car it was at the top of my list of events to go do. for along time i was thinking that i would be happy with hitting 140 because it seemed like a realistic goal to have but after 3 months of waiting for time to come around to go my expectations had risen to 150 mph.

i was one of 2 s197 gt's that was there the other guy that had a s197 gt had about every bolt on i did but he had 4.10 gears and a stock exaust. there were more gt500's moded to the end of the world and a bunch of corvettes, porches and then there were like 10 ford GT's. they had a ford gt event there on thursday with about 75 of them at the track. there were a few imports like supras and lambos i was suprised there were no ferrari's.

i got there friday after school around 2 and walked around for a few ours talking to ppl and figuring out what all i needed to do for the next day. there were some cool cars a few lambos that were runnin around 230 mph and some GT's running about that speed also(they both had 1000+hp). when i got home that night i went and got me about 12 bucks woth of blue painters tape because i wanted to go all out and see what i could get.

i got up at 5 in the morning to drive to the even at 730 after going to bed at 3 the night before. BTW that is a bad idea don't know if yall figured that out yet. i did a drive through after i was tecked in and it did not occur to me how far 1 mile is until u drive it at 20 mph.after the drive through i got in line to run and waited for like 30 minutes.

run 1

on the first run i was just trying to get a feel for what was going on and did not tape up my car at all and i was takeing it easy befor i started getting to crazy. my time was 140. some thing i lost the ticket

Run 2

for this run i started taping up my car waiting in line because there were so many ppl i was able to get 145.6 this was when i was shifting in to 5th gear at 6200 rpm and only gaining like 5 mph in the last 1/4 mile

run 3

for this run i was able to "borrow" a BBK throttle body from Silver06. hopeing to pick up some speed. unfortunatly i only saw about a .5 mph increase but i had also taken off my spoiler for this run. the speed was 145.836

this was my last run on Sunday and i had gone to the t shirt place and gotten me a 140 mph t shirt because i didn't think i was going to come back the next day i was so disappointed i had not gotten 150 and i felt like shit because of no sleep. but i went to bed at 8 and when i woke up at 5 i was feel pretty good to go and feeling like i was going to get it today.

run 4

this was my first run of sunday i had nothing taped up on my car and just ran it, the temp was about 70 degrease. i also moved up my rev limiter where i was able to run 4th all the way through the trap. for this run i was able to pull off 148.187 the big difference in times i not haveing to shift in to 5th it does not pull at all at 140 in 5th and was getting me no ware fast

run 5

this was my first run to tape up my entire front bumper and still used the same shift points as the 4th run i was able to get 148.789 by doing this

run 6

this happened at like 1 oclock and it was hot as a mofo out

this was my best run of the day i wanted my 1.2 mph and was going to do all i could to get it. i got in to my tuner and added 1 degree of timing from 2-6k rpm and then i took it down 1 degree from 6-8k rpm so i didn't hurt any thing reveing my car to 7k in 4th i also made WOT 2%leaner. i also had to retape my car in the front some because aparently painter tape doesent like going 148 mph. for this run my time 150.913 i was on the biggest high of my life. i had been sunburned to hell and exhausted for 2 days and i finally hit my goal.

for many of thies runs i also had taken off my mirrors which i forgot to add i had also taken out my front seat and backseat.

as far as the other s197 gt he was only able to get his car to 148. something he was pissed that he was not able to do better because he was doing all the taping i was but he missed a gear or to in some of his run and was not able to get in some good ones. he also had some 4.10 which kind of raised some questions in my mind i was thinking that he3 would be able to get better times with them but from testing it he just had to rev his car more in 4th than i did and he still was not up at my times.

now for the sad part of my story there was a porche that came dagerously close to flupping after doing a 1080 he finialy was able to get to stop it was 80% luck and 20% luck he didint flip it he was going about 180 when it happened. the run before his rear wing had broken off and i herd him talking about how he was happy because now he thought he would be able to go faster but it was obvious when that happened that it was not a good idea to run agian. there are some pics of it in this thread at a Subaru forum and a few videos of the day.

the worst part of my day was when a beatuful truck crashed i had talked to the owner and his wife for about an hr on friday. the spent like 15 years building the car for shows and then when it was built they got bored with it and started raceing it. but as far as the crash goes the guy who built it felt like it had to much power for him as was not able to get it to its full potential and so he let his son in law run it or it may have been his son i dont remember. but at the beginning of the track about the 1/8 mile marker he got squerly and his back tire came off the rim and he was not able to save it he drove it to the left and of the track away from the spectators and when he hit the grass he was sideways and rolled it 5 times and landed it on his wheels. i was on my way back from a run stopped talking to some ppl when i hear SSSSSHHHHIIIITTTTTTT!!!!! and i turned around just in time to see it flip 2 more times and land it was gut wrenching after thinking about how the owner and his wife usually both ride in it when he run's i didint know at that point that it was not them. it happened before lunch and they got it all cleand up and we started running agian after this and the owner seemed in good spirits for what had just happened to his baby but it defiantly made me think about how dangerous it was to do what i was doing. this was rite before my last run

here is a link to the trucks website if you want to read the story and see what it looked like after reading it he was atempting to hit 200 mph in his truck which would have been amazing but im sure he will be out there next year in some thing.

The quick version

I HIT 150.913

o yah do any of you know of any n/a s197's that have documented runs of above this speed i could not find any

ask away if you want to know any of the details about a certain run because i didn't want to type out the exact details of the runs if you don't care lol i have a few other runs but they were just the same as the other when i hadn't changed any thing

there are a few pics of my car and me in front of it it i can post up some more pics later if you are interested and i will try to put p a video of it also


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THE fucking bad guy
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S197 Team Member
Apr 4, 2007
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I heard there was a Supra that hit 243 on Friday. And a Lambo that did 217.6. Then on Saturday Underground Racing had an orange Lambo that did 231.


i need to get blown
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Corpus Christi,TX
I heard there was a Supra that hit 243 on Friday. And a Lambo that did 217.6. Then on Saturday Underground Racing had an orange Lambo that did 231.

yep that supra always there with some crazy huge turbo and the orange lambo blew up it caught on fire and when he hit his parachute the flames from the car burnt them off it was prety crazy


---- Madmin ----
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Jul 10, 2007
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Long Island NY
sounds like you had a blast! Congrats on the 150! always satisfying hitting a goal!


Ford Racing
Dec 17, 2008
Reaction score
Clinton, Ut
the other guy was basically like i was but he had 4.10's and he did not gut his car at all and with out the tape about the best you can do is 148
150 is pretty cool, but you turned your car into a bucket doing it. It would be impressive to make that 150 pass without touching a thing on your car. No tape, leave the mirrors and all the seats in place.


Wiener Dog Racer
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Big ass state shaped like Texas
150 is pretty cool, but you turned your car into a bucket doing it. It would be impressive to make that 150 pass without touching a thing on your car. No tape, leave the mirrors and all the seats in place.

I agree, but on the tape note, that's to make sure rock chips don't do major damage at high speeds. I'd mummify my car if I was him..


THE fucking bad guy
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S197 Team Member
Apr 4, 2007
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yep that supra always there with some crazy huge turbo and the orange lambo blew up it caught on fire and when he hit his parachute the flames from the car burnt them off it was prety crazy

Crazy huge might be the understatement of the day
(images courtesy of JDK @ dfwstangs)



Here is the story on the Lambo. This is a post from a guy that was out there with the team.

"Grant's yellow Gallardo was our challenge all weekend and proved to be to the bitter end. First couple of passes it was having some real shifting/clutch issues that were a bit perplexing. We tried a few things but in the end the decision was made to swap to another gearbox so he could run worry free. The guys thrashed and got the gearbox out but it turns out it was the pilot bearing that had come apart and had gotten debris into the Tilton. Nothing like a cheap little part wrecking the day. A new bearing was sourced from Lamborghini Houston and made it to the track via courier at 9pm Saturday night. The UGR guys (Matt and Karl, you guys ROCK!!!) busted ass all night (slept 3 hours) and had the car back up and running by 9:30am (including cleaning up the small amount of damage done to the Tilton). Got the car ready, first pass was looking good and about the 3/4 mark it slowed and coasted through. Blown intercooler pipe ended our run early. Fixed that and prepped for another run. A slow getaway but then the car took off on what looked like a real solid run. About the 3/4 mark there was a huge fireball and then just smoke from there. It was the worst thing ever to see. Long story short, we appear to have broken a rod bolt and it may go back to the first day with the clutch/shifting issues that resulted in a bad shift/overrev. The engine damage aside, the fire took out the back bumper, parachute, and of course some of the rubber/plastic parts on the engine but otherwise the car will fix up just fine. The body shell suffered no damage at all (even paint is fine). A huge massive heartbreaker (Grant is one of the nicest guys out there and we really wanted him to crack 240mph) but he is already talking about the mile event in Miami in January and back to Texas in March!"

I'm pretty sure this is the car in question.



Ford Racing
Dec 17, 2008
Reaction score
Clinton, Ut
I agree, but on the tape note, that's to make sure rock chips don't do major damage at high speeds...
Does Texas have floating rocks? There's one car on the course at a time right?

That Lambo is BAD!
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THE fucking bad guy
Staff member
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S197 Team Member
Apr 4, 2007
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that lambo is in bad shape its burnt to a crisp now

hummm... that's not what one of the guys from their team said.

<from my post above>
"About the 3/4 mark there was a huge fireball and then just smoke from there. It was the worst thing ever to see. Long story short, we appear to have broken a rod bolt and it may go back to the first day with the clutch/shifting issues that resulted in a bad shift/overrev. The engine damage aside, the fire took out the back bumper, parachute, and of course some of the rubber/plastic parts on the engine but otherwise the car will fix up just fine. The body shell suffered no damage at all (even paint is fine)."

Bestangyet 07

forum member
Jan 1, 2008
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Congrats on the 150! I was really hoping you would do the 155 I originally posted, especially since everyone seemed to think I was "up in the night". Apparently 5 more is tough to get once you hit the wall so to speak. Awesome run. I wish I could hit one of those events but the closest I will get is next summer when I am considering a run at Bonneville salt flats. That is in my backyard.


Senior Member
S197 Team Member
Jan 29, 2008
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Lake Charles, La
now for the sad part of my story there was a porche that came dagerously close to flupping after doing a 1080 he finialy was able to get to stop it was 80% luck and 20% luck he didint flip it he was going about 180 when it happened. the run before his rear wing had broken off and i herd him talking about how he was happy because now he thought he would be able to go faster but it was obvious when that happened that it was not a good idea to run agian. there are some pics of it in this thread at a Subaru forum and a few videos of the day.

Thats was Todd, great guy, met him when I went to the 60-130 in Sealy.

Hes the owner of Vividracing tx.

Shaken up, just had the bottom end built, bigger turbos, and caged a month ego.

I watched him pull the passenger seat out of his 966tt b/c a friend had bettered his 60-130 time by a couple hundreths! He'll be back.

I was going, but w/ good weather... hoped to break 11's... fkn short made that not happen.

If you can, make the next 60-130 at Sealy, Ill be there fo sho!

Congrats on that 150!

And for those that dont know... that is 150 gps... so.... ave mech speedo (even if set in tune) is 5% off... no big deal until 120+! FWIW, his speedo would be reading damn near 170 to register a TRUE gps 150!

THATS rollinin
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Ford Racing
Dec 17, 2008
Reaction score
Clinton, Ut
And for those that dont know... that is 150 gps... so.... ave mech speedo (even if set in tune) is 5% off... no big deal until 120+! FWIW, his speedo would be reading damn near 170 to register a TRUE gps 150!

THATS rollinin
Wouldn't 5% of 150 be 8?


N/A Junkie
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Wouldn't 5% of 150 be 8?

You and your fancy "math."

I agree on the not gutting the car thing, but glad you had a good time :beer: I met an owner of a KR at Carlisle this past year. All though he was way to into the upgrades being done by Shelby and Shelby a lone, he said he hit 186 at this event last year. I have a picture of that certificate somewhere around here.