My brenspeed experience


S197 Team Member
Jun 25, 2009
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Glen Burnie
I hate in when people post shit like this. Why couldn't you have just called Breenspeed and asked to speak with the owner instead of publicly making this post? You say you are not bashing but in reality that is exactly what you are doing in a very public manner. I've never had dealings with Breenspeed but wouldn't hesitate to spend my hard earned money with them. Props to Chandler for coming on here to try and make things right with you.

I have to agree with this...not saying that anything was right/wrong I am impartial to this situation. But working in the performance industry I can appreciate that if you have a probelm the best thing to do is contact the company....if you didnt like what Miles had to say then ask to talk to Brent.

One of the problems with "posting" your experience before you take the necessary steps (contacting the higher ups) is now your post is on the internet for the whole world to see and Brenspeed is being judged before they got to fix the situation. No one is perfect, no company is perfect but you hae to give them the benefit of the doubt. Now had you gotten Brent on the phone and still got no resolve by all means post away. If you got a bad meal at a restaurant would you just complain to the server or would you ask for the manager??? Its really no different in the performance industry.

Because 10 to 1, he would have gotten the reply that the are unavailable. Not saying Breenspeed is like that, but alot of companys are that way.

Good job Chandler for jumping quickly!

Completely disagree that he wouldnt have been able to talk to Brent. I know Brent personally as well as the whole Brenspeed crew I see them several times a year and I can guarentee you Brent would have gotten on the phone.


forum member
Jun 25, 2009
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The reality is forums like this exist for three reason... A. People coming together for a common interest B. Networking C. Voicing opinions. It definitely does suck when a great company such as Brenspeed is called out for a silly situation, but you can handle it the way Chandler did and in the end I have more respect for them having seen his incredibly professional and valid reply. We as companies are only as strong as out weakest link and if it takes somebody posting up about an issue to correct something then so be it. I am the only person who posts anything business related on the internet about my company and I make sure to try and keep the guys whos emotions and egos can get in the way out of the situation if anything shall ever arise. Bravo to Chandler and Team Brenspeed stand up crew if you ask me! Just my .02, for what its worth!


Senior Member
S197 Team Member
Apr 11, 2009
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The reality is forums like this exist for three reason... A. People coming together for a common interest B. Networking C. Voicing opinions. It definitely does suck when a great company such as Brenspeed is called out for a silly situation, but you can handle it the way Chandler did and in the end I have more respect for them having seen his incredibly professional and valid reply. We as companies are only as strong as out weakest link and if it takes somebody posting up about an issue to correct something then so be it. I am the only person who posts anything business related on the internet about my company and I make sure to try and keep the guys whos emotions and egos can get in the way out of the situation if anything shall ever arise. Bravo to Chandler and Team Brenspeed stand up crew if you ask me! Just my .02, for what its worth!




forum member
Jul 27, 2009
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freedom of speach ,guy wasnt happy and he posted it. I have ordered from brenspeed and my parts have always shipped on time.


The Evil One
S197 Team Member
Apr 6, 2007
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Jackson, NJ
I have to say that my experience with them was great. I trailered my car there and stayed at their guest house. Got started early the next morning and pretty much hung out at their shop all day while they put my 4:10 gears, forged axles, Trutrak and JLT intake in. They also did some minor stuff like switch my MAF back to the slot style, change out my S/C lid to the 6.5 version. They also found some less obivious stuff like vacuum lines being pulled off on my S/C (I had damage from a stereo and gauge theft while it was parked in a self storage unit while I was deployed). Then Bren started the tune that evening and then finished it up the next morning so the car would be cold and he could work on the common cold start issues associated with bigger injectors.
Sitting around the shop and waiting area all day I have to say that I can sympathies with some of what they go through dealing with customers. Most people on this forum know about cars, a lot of their customers that walk through the door do not. One guy with the black 06 mustang show car that was sitting in their show room floor is a good example. They guy likes looking at his car and going to car shows where he can look at his car and it is really clean. He has a a Vortech S/C on this car for shows, he has no idea what a supercharger does or how it works, it just looks good for shows. He did have a problem with the factory paint it had bumps in it (Orange peel) but he was having Brenspeed send his car to someone that was going to polish it out. There were a few others to include the guy that didn't know how to plug in his SCT tuner to upload a tune in his new 2012 5.0, he drove 5 hours to have them install a mail order tune and install his JLT CAI. Now I realize that I had them throw on my CAI, but that was because they were already putting the new S/C lid on. Anyway, I'm not saying that Myles treating someone rudely is excusable, but that they do have to deal with a lot of people that don't know much about cars.