Some Jackwagon hit my Sons Mustang

swat 79

forum member
Feb 16, 2009
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Dumbasses are dangerous regardless if a rock is being thrown at the car or a spike strip is laid down. Police get trained how to stop a car with a pit maneuver and spike strip. I doubt there's a school that teaches you how to stop a car with a rock. Are spike strips/pit maneuvers safe? No, but what was a rock being thrown going to accomplish? Also, it was done out of anger, not self defense. The cops have a goal of stopping someone when they perform a pit manuever/deploy spike strips.

How about this, you won't question the man's son as to why he threw a rock at a moving vehicle that almost ran over his dad, and we won't question you as to why you wouldn't do the same if not worse.


forum member
Oct 16, 2010
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Wappingers Falls, New York
I'm 18 and let me tell you if that happened to my 06 GT I would of tried to throw more than a rock. My v6 was hit and run 2 weeks after I had it and the whole front end needed to be replaced.


still too slow
Apr 22, 2009
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Orlando, FL
Since this happened in your neighborhood, their may be a good possibility that the driver lives nearby, not a lot of reason for random cars to be driving around a neighborhood late at night.

Might be worth driving around and looking for similiar cars, and if you do find one, seeing if the plate has the numbers you saw and damage to the front end.


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S197 Team Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Manassas, VA
Since this happened in your neighborhood, their may be a good possibility that the driver lives nearby, not a lot of reason for random cars to be driving around a neighborhood late at night.

Might be worth driving around and looking for similiar cars, and if you do find one, seeing if the plate has the numbers you saw and damage to the front end.

I have been doing that, we even found a white late model can under a car cover, it was a Hyundi I was not able to see the front of it but I will give the address to the cops to check it out, I don't want to go and lift the car cover thats tresspassing and I can go to jail for that.

I think the driver dropped someone off at the top of the street, so I put flyers at 8 houses in that area so a parent would remember their kid coming in at 11:30p and their friend had a white 4 door car? then again some parents may protect their kid and not say anything. :dead2:


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Mar 3, 2009
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How about this, you won't question the man's son as to why he threw a rock at a moving vehicle that almost ran over his dad, and we won't question you as to why you wouldn't do the same if not worse.

Key word in red. And wouldn't writing down the tag number as the car drove by been way more effective instead of chucking a rock at the car? I've almost got hit on my motorcycle many times, not once have I thrown objects, chased someone, or drawn a gun because of it. When I read things like that it makes me hope those people don't have their concealed carry license. And if they do they need to watch the following video (skip to 9:10 in)


swat 79

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Feb 16, 2009
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Horrible analogy. There is a big difference in the context of the word "almost" in regards to concealed carry and firearms then there is with throwing rocks.

For example, if I were to get my hands on a guy that ALMOST killed my father, I would simply beat the shit out of them, NOT KILL them. See the difference? Vehicles are also deadly weapons.

Even tho there are people like you (not meant with any malice, meant more toward your belief of protecting the criminal) who will follow the laws to the T, it rarely goes to court, and if it were to, the jury would rarely agree with such. There is some lee'way, and I know many police officers who would thank the kid for throwing a rock because that will absolutely make their job easier when looking for the criminal.

I have extensive knowledge on law and law enforcement, FYI. Not just bull shitting haha


gm troll basher
Sep 14, 2009
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Santa Rosa Ca.
easy to have opinions sitting at a keyboard. In the middle of the night after some douchebag smashed your car then almost ran you over ? It's quite a bit easier to understand how adrenalin MAY have been a factor.

Horrible analogy. There is a big difference in the context of the word "almost" in regards to concealed carry and firearms then there is with throwing rocks.

For example, if I were to get my hands on a guy that ALMOST killed my father, I would simply beat the shit out of them, NOT KILL them. See the difference? Vehicles are also deadly weapons.

Even tho there are people like you (not meant with any malice, meant more toward your belief of protecting the criminal) who will follow the laws to the T, it rarely goes to court, and if it were to, the jury would rarely agree with such. There is some lee'way, and I know many police officers who would thank the kid for throwing a rock because that will absolutely make their job easier when looking for the criminal.

I have extensive knowledge on law and law enforcement, FYI. Not just bull shitting haha


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S197 Team Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Manassas, VA
Well a Paint Ball gun would have done more than a Rock, being that the rock was the size of a golf ball.

As far as the Carry permit, I Got a Concealed weapons permit in Florida and re-newed it in Virginia, Funny thing is, I do not own a Hand Gun.. It was more about the priciple of it. I do not intend to get a hand gun, I do not feel the need to have one. I do own a 12 guage shot gun and a 22 sport rifle but thats what I feel I need. I like to Hunt, skeet shoot and target shoot. Now back to the incident, I should not have exited my truck, the officer said that was stupid, but I thought he was going to stop and talk, I had my hands outward with palms up in a "Whats up" gesture, not threatining in anyway. The officer said to my son that he should have stayed out of the street that was the stupid thing not the rock, the rock was a non issue with the officer so thats it.
Now back to my origional question HEADLIGHT ID what kind of Car?


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Mar 3, 2009
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I've been in situations where adrenalin could easily have been a factor. Almost getting t-boned/ran off the road on my motorcycle countless times. I'm in banking and have had a gun waved at me by a robber. I think everyone has different responses when they are faced with stressful situations. I'm sure everyone on this board has had a time when they went "oh shit this is bad....this is really bad", and I don't think anything is wrong with any given response, provided they've actually weighed the options first. I would hate to see someone I know go to jail for something they didn't think through.

I don't beleive in protecting the ciminal in any way. However I do believe in CYA, and unfortunatly that often leads to being a "wuss" when it comes to confrontations. Some things are just not worth the possiblity of going to jail over, and a car is one of them. It's sad the law is almost in the favor of criminals most the time, but that's just the world we live in.

swat 79

forum member
Feb 16, 2009
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I don't beleive in protecting the ciminal in any way. However I do believe in CYA, and unfortunatly that often leads to being a "wuss" when it comes to confrontations. Some things are just not worth the possiblity of going to jail over, and a car is one of them. It's sad the law is almost in the favor of criminals most the time, but that's just the world we live in.

Doesn't make you a wuss, it's just a different point of view. For example, I have a large threshold for shit like that, however when people go after my family or friends (no matter how small) that's when it becomes a problem. For example, Let's say we're following the drunk driver and he pulls over and gets out of the car and the cops weren't there yet. If he did anything other then stand or sit idly by and went for the police, I would beat the **** out of him for almost killing my dad, at the very least almost hurting him. If the cop got there, I would say flat out he was drunk and came after me. More often than not, the cop won't bring you in, and if he does it will just be for the night. Worst case, it's a misdemeanor and you'll most likely just get fined and community service, especially for a first offense.

I don't mean to get off on a rant and talk a big game or anything, but it's just a different point of view. I'm cool with knives, but if someone had a gun to my face, especially if there were other people around, I would do the same thing you would. That must have been scary as shit


Jimi Hendrix Blues
May 23, 2010
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Sorry for your loss OP. Just want address the rock-throwing advocates here:

Throwing a rock might feel good, but revenge is best served COLD. If your son had time to stand there with a rock, he had time to stand there with a cell phone or camera. A photo of his car & license plate as he drove toward your boy would have sealed his fate. Cops would have given him a very different lecture - they'd have told him what a smart, sensible boy he was.

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