You are subscribed to this thread got a phone call from the craptastic dealer that


forum member
Sep 3, 2010
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Memphis, TN
backstory: i've had my 2010 GT for a little over a year. when i bought it last year, they couldn't find the 2nd key that went with my car, so they agreed to cut a new key and program it. this was done with the understanding that they would be using the method that erases all keys in memory and reprogram only the current 2 keys (so that if the other key ever surfaced it would only work in the lock cylinder).

fast forward to this morning... i get a call from a new salesman at the stealership and he informs me that he was going through a key box and found some old keys and one of them goes to my car. he let me know i could drop by and pick it up at any time, so i went and got it on my lunch break. i dropped by the house on the way back to work to see if the key works, and what do you know, i open the garage, hit "unlock" and see my tail lights come on. yep, it also started the car with no problems.

so on the positive side, i've got a spare key now that didn't cost me anything. i'm also glad that some bored salesman was kind enough to match up the old key with my name/phone number instead of some undesirable character getting it and using it to steal my car.


forum member
Jan 2, 2011
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East, TN
It would have been nice if they erased all the programming and started over with the keys so that one didnt work but it IS a car dealer lol.

In the big picture keys only keep honest people from stealing your stuff. I wonder how many people that buy a new house realize that probably 50 people between the realtor and contractors had keys to your house in their possession and could have easily copied it :)


forum member
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Nice they called you. I got one key, dealer wouldn't help me out on the second one but my car was used. I went to DMV and changed the plates in case mr original owner saw his old car somewhere and still had the key.

You buy a house house, first thing you do is change all the locks......I did.

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