Diablosport tuner married to a stolen car :(


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Apr 28, 2010
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I guess this is tech but I know how you get your A**hole torn up if you post a stupid question there but here it goes...

I just recently ;) had my 08 GT stolen from my driveway and I just bought a 2013 5.0 my question is this, I have a diablosport for the 4.6 and its still married to my car that got stolen. I want to sell it but I dont know how to go about unlocking it and the guy that wants it also wants the Brookspeed tune I have on it. How do I go about unlocking it and will the custom tune stay on there if i do have it unlocked? I have no clue how to unlock it so details would be great. LMK please


V4g!n@ #er
Jul 28, 2012
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Everett, Wa
Have you tried contacting diable? You can't unmarry it yourself. Also, who is brookspeed?


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Apr 28, 2010
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I expected that kind of reply but Im not new to this forum so I kinda figured Id get a remark like that. I dont see what the point is of giving someone a hard time when they ask for help but if it makes you feel better Im happy for you. I understand that you have to jump through hoops to get it done I just didnt know exactly how to go about it and what kinda fees IM looking at paying. In other words is it even worth the trouble.But if you noticed I also had another dilema that I was trying to figure out. The tuner has a custom Erik Brookspeed tune on it that the guy wants to use. He has the same mods that I had and his willingness to purchase it is based on him being able to use it or not. I dont see what the douchieness is about, the links without the comment would have been just fine and appreciated. Im not in tech asking stupid questions I came to Chit Chat to avoid that kinda reply but my 2nd question was if I go through the whole process of having it unlocked am I going to lose the tune and would he even be able to use it since the tune was written for my ecm. Im not sure if once its unlocked the tune would boot up to his ECM or Im just SOL.

Eric is very knowledgeable. Atlanta area I believe.

Yes its an Erik Brookspeed tune and the guy was very helpful, I thought he was kinda known around here since I got the referal to him from this forum.

Is the buyers ECM code the same as yours?

Thats what Im not positive about. Its the same car basically, 2008 GT manual trans aside from his being a GT/CS.

Have you tried contacting diable? You can't unmarry it yourself. Also, who is brookspeed?

I havent but I got a link Im gonna try apparently its $129.00 to have it unlocked? If that info was correct and I was trying to sell it for 150 with the tune I had on there doesnt even seem like its worth it. That doesnt seem right though, Ive heard and might have misunderstood that you could have it unlocked like once or twice for free?
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---- Madmin ----
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Jul 10, 2007
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Long Island NY
I expected that kind of reply but Im not new to this forum so I kinda figured Id get a remark like that. I dont see what the point is of giving someone a hard time when they ask for help but if it makes you feel better Im happy for you. I understand that you have to jump through hoops to get it done I just didnt know exactly how to go about it and what kinda fees IM looking at paying. In other words is it even worth the trouble.But if you noticed I also had another dilema that I was trying to figure out. The tuner has a custom Erik Brookspeed tune on it that the guy wants to use. He has the same mods that I had and his willingness to purchase it is based on him being able to use it or not. I dont see what the douchieness is about, the links without the comment would have been just fine and appreciated. Im not in tech asking stupid questions I came to Chit Chat to avoid that kinda reply but my 2nd question was if I go through the whole process of having it unlocked am I going to lose the tune and would he even be able to use it since the tune was written for my ecm. Im not sure if once its unlocked the tune would boot up to his ECM or Im just SOL.
a stupid question is a stupid question no matter where it is. :thumb2:

don't want a smart ass response... go find a different board to be spoon fed on

As to the second question - "you've been around the forum" how can you not know that Eric could email you a tune file AND that depending on the buyers strategy code the tune may not even work!

I did the work for you and you give me a hard time about it.... last time you'll get help from me.

also it's, Eric Brooks of Brookspeed :thud:

maybe next time I'll just post - per forum rules..


Paladin LL 06

S197 Team Member
Apr 19, 2012
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Westchester NY
Who cares if someone gives a smartass response, laugh it off and say thanks!!! He gave you help, that's what matters. He didn't leave you hanging. I work in construction, you get answers like that all day, most of the time it's funny shit, loosen up and have fun.


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Apr 28, 2010
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a stupid question is a stupid question no matter where it is. :thumb2:

don't want a smart ass response... go find a different board to be spoon fed on

As to the second question - "you've been around the forum" how can you not know that Eric could email you a tune file AND that depending on the buyers strategy code the tune may not even work!

I did the work for you and you give me a hard time about it.... last time you'll get help from me.

also it's, Eric Brooks of Brookspeed :thud:

maybe next time I'll just post - per forum rules..


Youre terrifying me dude. Quite simply, I think you should take your own advice and if you dont like something stay out of it. Im sure you have a great internet rep since everyone seems to be legitametly scared of you but all your keyboard banging has me worried now. If you dont like it then,


Ill leave the "mother fucker" part out of it. I dont want to get all scary and nasty like you. :helpme: We all know that a man that gets brave behind a computer is someone not to be fucked with so Ill stay out of your way from now on.

"Dont fuck with my forum!!!" :look: lol You big scary guy.


---- Madmin ----
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Jul 10, 2007
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Long Island NY
Calling 1-800-wham-bulance..... Truth hurts huh....

Not meant to scare. Meant to keep the board true to its founding, ethos and rules. It is my business as a staff member. If you don't like it, well sour grapes then, move on to another board.


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Apr 28, 2010
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Calling 1-800-wham-bulance..... Truth hurts huh....

Not meant to scare. Meant to keep the board true to its founding, ethos and rules. It is my business as a staff member. If you don't like it, well sour grapes then, move on to another board.

Flexing that internet mod muscle again huh :handjob:. I have once again, shit all over myself. I guess thats what you get when you give someone a little power, he feels the need to try and bully people around. Well like I said you have suceeded in making me deficate all over myself. I will make sure and get your approval before posting a thread again so I dont get internet bullied by the tough guy rolling around in a chair behind his desk. You win. Ill go tuck my tail between my legs and clean up my mess. Just as soon as I stop shaking with fright.


---- Madmin ----
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Jul 10, 2007
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Long Island NY

dude if I wanted to flex a muscle it would be on the ban button.... just post according to the rules. it's really very simple.


forum member
May 19, 2011
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Saint Peters, MO
He did the work for you, so now stop fucking up the forums. Search shit and stop being lazy. Too bad you didnt get banned. Oh, I dont need a computer to hide behind......I can drive, will only drive for a few hours to meet in the middle if you so wish, going to have to make your mind up on that one. Only a few days left for trip number 5.

STKJOCK!! Bro, stop doing the work for the lazy asses!!!