2012 5.0 Caught on fire last night? Wtf?


Obama SUCKS!
Sep 29, 2010
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Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Here's the first video already posted:

Here is another one. This is a 2010, but it's still relevant due to the updated materials and other options like Sync:

I have downloaded and converted these videos for you so that they will play on any media player. Just PM me an email address that can receive a 22Mb file and I'll send them to you.

I know the insurance remarks are salt in your wounds. Some folks just have to point out the obvious or kick a man when he's down. That doesn't apply to all of the insurance remarks, but certainly to a lot of them.

Good luck man. Keep your chin up!


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Aug 27, 2008
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My 2007 GSXR750 wiring caught fire while sitting in the school parking lot. Less than 30 min into the first day of class i get a message from the campus police that I need to to come to my vehicle ASAP. Luckily someone noticed it smoking and an officer put it out before it got really bad. I had to replace my main wire harness, air box, throttle cable, and some other things. I think mine was from the rectifier regulator getting hot and exposing a wire and it went from there.

Anyways, somewhat unrelated, but i know the feeling and it sucks. I may have missed it, but how long had it been sitting for before going up in flames?


forum member
Jan 25, 2011
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Eastern PA
Ask neighbors if anyone has a security camera in that general direction. Even just to see people walking by. I would imagine someone broke a door window, then tossed a molotov cocktail into it. That's what happened to one of the vans at my school. Some punk knocked out the window, tossed in the bottle and ran. It burned out like yours. Luckily they had security camera footage and found him. Good luck.


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Jun 11, 2010
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Clarks Summit, PA
Thank you for the helpful reply, unlike many others just focusing on my fucking insurance. This thread was about the 5.0 catching and just going up on flames, not about my insurance. If this is an issue that us 5.0 owners actually will have to fear, then i think it would be wise if we all just keep the insurance comments in our asses and focus on the real problem. That way when i found out what really went down i can come back on this thread and let you guys know so it wont happen to you in the near future.
That's just it, it's probably not something to fear.

A random car can have a random short and randomly catch fire. It happens.

I've been driving a 5.0 since October 2010. No fires yet.

You happened to draw the unlucky card. Sorry.

Or someone torched it...

The other person who I've heard of with the problem couldn't get ford or her insurance to pay for it so she had to get a lawyer and she had to stop posting updates on the thread. Might as well save yourself some time and get a lawyer now. Also it's best if your Lawyer talks to everyone involved, don't even call ford yourself. you don't want to say something stupid to ruin your case. Their lawyers will twist whatever you say around on you. It'll cost less for them if their lawyers simply deny you fire coverage than to give you a new car, that's what ford pays them for.

also you shouldn't have even made this thread or discussed this with anyone but a lawyer.
Why would her insurance not pay for a loss?

As to the lawyer... He couldn't afford insurance, what makes you think he can afford a lawyer?

A lawyer is going to look at this case and know that he's going to not get much, if anything. He's going to want money, not a contingency.
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Jan 10, 2011
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Columbus, OH
Frank...great of you to convert the YouTube videos for him....that is the type of support that he needs :thumbup:

So, now that we are actually LOOKING, is seems that this is not an isolated incident. The SMS car will be disputed by Ford, because it is not a totally stock Ford car.

Molotov cocktail....really? LOL

It will be easily determined if the car was torched, but it is VERY highly doubtful, especially with the other reports AND the fact that at least one caught fire while being driven...



Is this something to stay up at night and worry about? Probably not, since anything can happen to anyone, at any time.... But you damn sure better believe that if I had one of these cars I would be demanding answers. And if I owned one that caught fire, and it was determined to be a defect, I would be at the door of the CEO of Ford demanding action.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk 2


2014 vett or 2015 stang..
Apr 13, 2007
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Gay Area
Ask neighbors if anyone has a security camera in that general direction.

+ 1, but things like that should be done the same day.. not everyone stores a weeks worth. cant hurt to look around


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Mar 1, 2010
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Stuttgart Germany
Not sure why this wasn't addressed and I'm not sure if you're being serious or not but...THAT IS NEVER THE ANSWER.

We can give you shit for poor decision making but it is what it is and there's no point beating yourself up over the past that you cannot change. There are much worse things that happen to people and they manage to make it through. I think I speak for most, if not all, of us on this forum that such a permanent solution should never be applied to such a temporary problem.

I concur. Dude, hope you are joking. While you are not in a good situation but this will pass with time.

I truly hope for the best outcome for you.

A country worth living in is a country worth fighting for.


Love Nitro in the Morning
Jan 16, 2011
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Northern Va
Seer, That is sad, Is she fighting with them for payment or because she doesn't want the car back?


forum member
Jan 10, 2011
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Columbus, OH
That's just it, it's probably not something to fear.

A random car can have a random short and randomly catch fire. It happens.

I've been driving a 5.0 since October 2010. No fires yet.

You happened to draw the unlucky card. Sorry.

Or someone torched it...

Why would her insurance not pay for a loss?

As to the lawyer... He couldn't afford insurance, what makes you think he can afford a lawyer?

A lawyer is going to look at this case and know that he's going to not get much, if anything. He's going to want money, not a contingency.

Insurance won't pay for it because it is a manufacturing defect....

As far as a lawyer, if it is proven to be a defect, the lawyer stands to make out well on this. Especially if there ends up being a class action suit.

Most of the fires that i have read about start in the area of the battery and main harness. The girl that had hers burn, was put out before it was totaled and the insurance company said it was warranty work,

http://mustangforums.com/forum/2005...-0-caught-fire-while-i-was-driving-it-40.html SEE #397

FUCK getting that repaired! The effects of a fire burning at several hundred degrees will have compromised the structural integrity of the unibody. The only thing that car would be good for is making it into a full framed race car.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk 2

Black 5.0

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Jul 21, 2011
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Sorry for the loss. It'll probably work out ok though.

I'm curious as to the cause of these fires as well. Some have wiring issues with the cause being a short. I wonder at what point the short is occuring? If they are in the same place, would probably be an easy fix. The other thing is the battery placement in our cars. Maybe improper ventalation in that area? Battery gassing too much?

When is it occuring? After being driven?

There's something fishy here. A new car doesn't just go up in smoke. Hopefully an answer comes soon! 8(


Love Nitro in the Morning
Jan 16, 2011
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Northern Va
It could be any combination with the wiring, damage when harness are made, Heat, damage installing, The battery will not gas they are sealed, but they will explode if over charged. Could be mice eating the wiring LOL
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forum member
Jan 22, 2011
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West Coast
I also think it started in the passenger compartment.

- The paint it most severly charred on the doors
- The front tires usually melt and pop in vehicle fire, your appear intact
- Headlights and fender paint intact

I've been on a bunch of vehicle fire, but never on one thats been parked for so long and off.

Sorry to hear, good luck with getting it resolved.


forum member
Nov 1, 2009
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I also think it started in the passenger compartment.

- The paint it most severly charred on the doors
- The front tires usually melt and pop in vehicle fire, your appear intact
- Headlights and fender paint intact


Looking at the pics you are correct. Funny how the front fender paint is fine yet the doors are wasted.


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
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i'm no expert but i'm almost absolutely certain the fire started in the cockpit then spread forward


Junior Member
Dec 9, 2011
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Sorry for the loss. It'll probably work out ok though.

I'm curious as to the cause of these fires as well. Some have wiring issues with the cause being a short. I wonder at what point the short is occuring? If they are in the same place, would probably be an easy fix. The other thing is the battery placement in our cars. Maybe improper ventalation in that area? Battery gassing too much?

When is it occuring? After being driven?

There's something fishy here. A new car doesn't just go up in smoke. Hopefully an answer comes soon! 8(

It's funny you mention the battery placement. Been a tech at Ford for 9 years, and the S197 body car batteries seem to die rather quickly and always get bad battery corrosion. Could this play a part in the fires from wiring shorting out, maybe.

For the OP though, very sorry to see this and hope everything works out the best for you. I can't imagine having to deal with what you are going through right now. The fire does look to be started in the cabin, hopefully it doesnt come back as arson. I would wait to see what the Fire chief says before getting a lawyer or going farther since you don't have anything to go off of for cause. Best of luck to you, hang in there.


Junior Member
Nov 3, 2011
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subscribed, i want to know the cause of this issue. Planning to trade my 4.6 for a 5.0.


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Oct 31, 2011
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Honestly i think the fire started in the cabin also and made its way forward. Thanks for converting the videos and posting up the articles guys that's exactly what i needed and why i posted here for help.

Tomorrow im calling the fire chief and i will let him know of everything i have gathered so far so we can take it up to ford, question, would i have to go through the dealer first before getting to Ford?