Why do I hate lanesplitting? (CA)


Amateur Goon
Jun 28, 2011
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Orange, California
Yeah, I picked the car back up on Friday and I wasn't found at fault. I believe my insurance is going after the other driver for my deductible too so I shouldn't be out of pocket at all for this.


forum member
Jan 21, 2012
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id have to say, splitting when its a choice between getting crushed by suddenly stopping, or slipping through and stopping in your own time is one thing.

but just cruising through stopped/slow cars just because you can is another thing


Drag Queen
Nov 29, 2009
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I have biker friends that use the safety excuse too.
I look at them sideways, ***** you know you want to glide through traffic cut the bullshit.
I'm more receptive to the truth, don't piss on my foot and tell me it's raining.


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Jan 21, 2012
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cussing the woman that swapped lanes, yet hes doing 2-3 times the speed of everyone else, hell my mirror's arent even set to see straight down my 1/4 panel because because who needs to see exactly there 3 feet behind the car that the rear-view cant see. Id rather see the bigger blind spot off to the left.

and then he just fly's by the cop and just waves.

just stay with traffic and quit your bitching


forum member
Jan 21, 2012
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I wouldnt mind a bike, good weather cruising with friends and great mpg to work and back. Wouldnt be like the above douche nozzle, but still dont trust most drivers cause I see them do stupid shit in my car and not sure I wanna see it when on a bike


forum member
Sep 3, 2014
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I ride and lane split, I do it smart and usually only to get to the front on the line at traffic lights or in stop and go traffic...it is as safe as you make it like anything else... I for one agree it is safer to split in stop and go traffic because I don't want to get rear ended by some fucktard not paying attention while eating a sandwich or playing with their phone. CA law says you can split as long as you are not going 5mph faster than the flow of traffic. On the other side I have seen idiots on the freeway in stand still traffic doing 80 mph splitting right through the mess...one time saw a guy pass me at 40-60mph in a wheelie while I was sitting still! That one left me shaking my head... I say let Darwin sort them out...


forum member
Jun 2, 2012
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I think lane splitting is fine in Europe. But not in the us (as far as stoplights go). I definitely think it's a smart idea as far as stoplights are concerned.

That does suck about your car man, I'm sorry about that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


forum member
Nov 21, 2013
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So. Cal
I ride and lane split, I do it smart and usually only to get to the front on the line at traffic lights or in stop and go traffic...it is as safe as you make it like anything else... I for one agree it is safer to split in stop and go traffic because I don't want to get rear ended by some fucktard not paying attention while eating a sandwich or playing with their phone. CA law says you can split as long as you are not going 5mph faster than the flow of traffic. On the other side I have seen idiots on the freeway in stand still traffic doing 80 mph splitting right through the mess...one time saw a guy pass me at 40-60mph in a wheelie while I was sitting still! That one left me shaking my head... I say let Darwin sort them out...

As a former LEO I can tell you that lane splitting is banned in every other state BUT California. Most don't know this but lane splitting is neither illegal or legal. It is in a grey area and up to an officers discretion whether or not he wants to cite for lane splitting. Now there were some 'guidelines' but no clear law defining it. Here take a look https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/about/lane_splitting

Now some legislation got killed in the summer of this year that would have clearly defined lane splitting and given specifications for it. Borrowed from the sacbee:
"A bill proposed earlier this year would have and it essentially said Motorcyclists could split lanes at speeds of no more than 50 miles per hour. They also could not drive more than 15 miles per hour faster than the vehicles around them. But the measure found no fans among motorcycle groups, who called the proposal overly restrictive. There already is widespread acceptance of lane splitting in California, they said. The Personal Insurance Federation of California backed the measure, saying lane-splitting rules would help reduce injuries and improve public safety."

Motorcycle riders didn't like it because it would have made it illegal to do all the shit you see everyday when people lane split. Not all are like that but many are. I can't count how many times I saw guys blowing by people in traffic at neck break speeds or abuse the guidelines. I always thought oh well whatever a motorcycle rider will lose 100% of the time they collide with a vehicle no matter who is at fault. Sure you may damage a car or truck but the rider is going to be injured 100% of the time in some way shape or form. Oh and guess who gets to determine fault with no set law in place? The officer on the scene. Not a judge, not a lawyer, nope it is entirely up to the officer on scene to use his or her discretion to assess fault because there is no law on the books. So if you are an asshole motorcycle rider I can royally fuck you and say it was your fault unless there is clear evidence otherwise. Same goes for the driver of the car. It was dumb for the motorcycle community to oppose a bill that would have given them rights and protected them.


Senior Member
Official Vendor
Sep 23, 2013
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One of the English bike magazines I used to buy ran a feature article of readers injuries once. :omfg:

That article was a rather brutal reminder of how exposed you really are when on a motorcycle, you take a hit that might barely damage a car and next thing you know you're in the ER and they're trying to sew your foot back on.

I still miss riding and still think about buying another bike and then my brain reminds me of the fact that I have to share the road with imbeciles.



forum member
Dec 11, 2013
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Most drivers in California are used to lane splitters and will often make extra room for you. I always try to make a friendly acknowledgement wave to them when they do. Once in a while (couple of times a year) I'll get some asshat that blocks me by straddling the line. At my careful speeds it's little more than an inconvenience. There is a vehicle code violation for purposely blocking a motorcyclist that is lane splitting, so they are risking a ticket. Saw it happen one morning whilst splitting with a CHP motor officer following me. The jerk in the pick up that tried to cut me off was immediately lit up by the motor and pulled over. Gotta believe he was cited. There are a small percentage of drivers here that believe it's actually illegal.


Equal Opportunity Offender
S197 Team Member
Jul 17, 2009
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Kelowna, B.C. Canada
When visitng SoCal, I rented a challenger and the limited visibility and not being used to lane splitting was tough on a tourist like myself. I was cruising on I5 at 80+ and it seemed like every 30 seconds or so I was getting buzzed by a crotch rocket going 30mph faster than me. I see no good reason why it should be even a grey area. I agree with letting natural selection do it's thing but I don't want it ruining my 3 year old's trip to Disneyland.


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Dec 11, 2013
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You were getting splitters at 80 MPH? That's crazy and I believe an observing LEO would write multiple citations to those riders, among them speeding and reckless driving. So there is already a means to deal with that.

I don't see any need to split if the traffic is moving at least 45-50 MPH, even if the speed limit is 65.


Equal Opportunity Offender
S197 Team Member
Jul 17, 2009
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Kelowna, B.C. Canada
There must have been 15 or so between Anaheim and Carlsbad that day and traffic never once slowed lower than 60 mph. It was a bit hard on the nerves.

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