Seriously Officer 4 tickets


Hi Im Justin
Jan 3, 2010
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Of course you're entitled to your own opinion, I just don't understand where it came from or how what you're saying is justified in anyway in relation to this thread?

I mean come on, from what the OP has said "Take it around the block" and from the picture he posted, it's clear that the OP was doing all this stupid shit in a residential area, so the cop in question was out upholding the law and thereby protecting life by shutting him down... so what's more important than protecting life?

Lol sorry for the rant, I did get a bit carried away. :chainsaw:

Its just something I feel strongly about and when everyone started saying "well you got what you deserve" just pissed me off. They weren't there and dont know what happened.

So I got carried away lol my bad. Carry on.


forum member
Dec 21, 2010
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White Plains,NY
We have teenagers running around buying and selling meth and drugs, illegal mexicans all over the fucking place, dudes beating their wives/ gf's, children getting molested and they are worried about writing tickets because its easier for them because they dont want to open up a can of worms. They need to man up and do their fucking job.

I don't really care what any of you have to say, your entitled to your opinion as am I. Cops will never get respect from me. Respect is earned not given.

Yeah thats why roughly around 70% of all inmates in jails and prisons are there for drug related offenses, Thats a job more for ICE not your local LEO plus there are complications in that like how do you know that a person is illegal without using some sort of racial stereotyping method I mean yeah there are some indicators such as not speaking English but still you can't just stop people because they look spanish you just can't do that, yeah thats why a lot of the calls that cops receive are for domestic assault and also they have to be reported its kinda hard to see through walls so a cop can witness jim bob beating becky sue, and child molestation is such an open thing to have happen right, its not like it happens behind closed doors and the child isn't convinced that if they say something about it something bad will happen to them or their family. All of the things you mentioned do happen but the world isn't Cops it isn't action action action all the time you seem to think that it is but it isn't.

I think that respect is given when you are going into an occupation where you will be given a bullet proof vest and a gun and can be spit on or come in infected blood and get HIV or Hepatitis B for example. Also when you have to approach people that have killed people and are extremely violent and will attack or even kill you so they can get away from you.

Yeah there are some lazy cops who don't wanna do shit but for the most part cops aren't lazy. They go out there and do their job which is protecting the citizens and upholding the law in their area. And then you have idiots that come and whine and complain because they got caught about breaking the law and given a ticket. They got caught so they wanna complain about how cops aren't doing their jobs when you (not anyone here in particular) got caught breaking the law and received a summons to appear in court so the judge can hear from you how the cop made some mistake in giving you a ticket for breaking the law.


forum member
Mar 3, 2009
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Lol sorry for the rant, I did get a bit carried away. :chainsaw:

Its just something I feel strongly about and when everyone started saying "well you got what you deserve" just pissed me off. They weren't there and dont know what happened.

So I got carried away lol my bad. Carry on.

I know the feeling, cops around here drink and drive. Hell one rear ended a flatbed trailer a few years back and died. The flatbed has it's lights on and was carrying an suv. The officer was driving a county vehicle non the less. I've heard/seen so many cops around my area being dicks. We got run off from a local Dunkin Donuts for "loitering" outside (cant smoke inside), and a few of my friends received trespassing warrants. All this with coffee cups in our hands. Never went to that establishment again. Guess the cops didn't want us at their headquarters.


Dec 5, 2010
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We have teenagers running around buying and selling meth and drugs, illegal mexicans all over the fucking place, dudes beating their wives/ gf's, children getting molested and they are worried about writing tickets because its easier for them because they dont want to open up a can of worms. They need to man up and do their fucking job.

I don't really care what any of you have to say, your entitled to your opinion as am I. Cops will never get respect from me. Respect is earned not given.

They are doing their job by giving you tickets when you drive 5 over. Most of the cops that you deal with are traffic cops and that's exactly what their job is. They aren't supposed to be dealing with the vice, narcotics, and domestic issues you mentioned.

Well being involved with law enforcement for the last twenty years of my life, cops that pull people over, 90% of them deserve it, because they were breaking the law. Patrolman do their job right and that's to protect and serve the streets. They aren't detectives that actually work cases like what you stated on beating wives, etc.. That's more of their jobs not patrolmans jobs, can they work it well yea but that's why they have detectives and violent crime units and such. My dad has been in law enforcement for twenty years and I had a uncle that shot in the line of duty. I respect cops. BUT there are some that take their job to seriously, most cops give you 5 mph over or mor3 depending. I will agree with you there about writing tickets for a 42 in a 40 or such like that. But if you're breaking the law, you're breaking the law..

That's just my opinion.

Are you a LEO? You were just street racing the other day.....


Made in U.S.A.
Jan 18, 2009
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Central Florida
Cops fucking suck man. Instead of actually making a safer place to live and doing drugs busts and solving crime they would rather nickel and dime everybody else to death with pathetic speeding tickets and stupid shit.

Maybe one day you'll grow up and realize they are doing the job they were ordered to do.


Drag Queen
Nov 29, 2009
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Ouch! as my uncle would say "It be's like that sometimes papi"


forum member
Jun 3, 2010
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Clarksville, TN
We have teenagers running around buying and selling meth and drugs, illegal mexicans all over the fucking place, dudes beating their wives/ gf's, children getting molested and they are worried about writing tickets because its easier for them because they dont want to open up a can of worms. They need to man up and do their fucking job.

I don't really care what any of you have to say, your entitled to your opinion as am I. Cops will never get respect from me. Respect is earned not given.

The only thing I see wrong with this statement is you left out parents need to control their teens, immigration deals with illegal people of all races, plus don't forget the dudes who get beat by their wife/girlfriend, I think the have counselors for that stuff and sex offenders should be shot on site! You should take a ride with your local dept and see what they have to put up with and no I'm not a cop by the way.


Hi Im Justin
Jan 3, 2010
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Like I said maybe I just live in an area full of worthless fucks then. Im sure there are great cops out there. I just havent ran into one yet. Ive deserved a few tickets myself. Ill admit that for sure.

However 3 out of 5 days a week when I was driving home a few years back I would get pulled over. And it was always the same 4 cops. Let me run you through some of my experiences.

38 in a 35
43 in a 40
not signaling for 100 ft before my turn ( he told me I only did for about 80 ft)
Swerving, so I was handcuffed and breathalyzed, and of course I wasnt drinking.
Blinker being out. (it wasnt)
Tail light out (It wasnt)
Swerving again (I was not)
Spinning my tires (on gravel pulling onto a main road)

Then driving suspiciously doing 25 in a 35 because I was sick of getting pulled over and when I went to reach for my wallet he drew his gun and screamed at me to get out and on the ground. And was searched for weapons and drugs.

Everytime I was cooperative and polite. Im a white guy, no earings, no backwards hat, no loud music, not covered in tattoos. Never hung out with criminals or anything, these guys were just fucking worthless.


forum member
Jun 3, 2010
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Clarksville, TN
Sounds like you could file a complaint if it's the same guys messing with you, but you might put yourself in a more awkward position.


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Mar 3, 2009
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Then driving suspiciously doing 25 in a 35 because I was sick of getting pulled over and when I went to reach for my wallet he drew his gun and screamed at me to get out and on the ground. And was searched for weapons and drugs.

Everytime I was cooperative and polite. Im a white guy, no earings, no backwards hat, no loud music, not covered in tattoos. Never hung out with criminals or anything, these guys were just fucking worthless.

Yeah, the best thing to do in that situation is comply and be courteous. I never consent to searches and if I'm being pulled over for suspicious activity (I've yet to figure out what exactly is and is not) I'll always ask "Am I being detained, may I leave?". If your getting harassed that much, you might want to check into local laws and see if you can have a camcorder in your car. Some states allow taping without consent (as long as it's in a public place, no expectation of privacy) and some don't, so I would ask a lawyer first.


forum member
Jul 2, 2010
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New Braunfels, Tx
Yeah, just like with everyone you've got the good ones and the bad ones... I know cops have the same emotions as everyone else and when they have a bad day they let the "power" go to their heads but a majority of the time it's because you are actually doing something wrong it just makes the difference between getting a ticket and getting a warning....
The only ticket I've gotten was actually a load of crap. I was supposedly clocked going "54 in a 35" it's a little hard to do that within 20ft after a red light in a 45 posted speed limit area in a line of traffic but theres no point in trying to argue with them it's your word vs theirs and they always win... Oh well I'm still here it didn't make my world end...

BUT in most cases people effin deserve them!


Hi Im Justin
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
I don't hate cops for no reason like some if you think. I know for a fact I forgot quiet a few times as well, its been a couple years now.


S197 Team Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Katy, Tx
For the....people, for wanting to keep it civil, that are railing against cops actually writing tickets for speeding, you do realize that the Police Force works like most other organizations, dont you? That they have different divisions? That there are cops on the road whose only job is to stop people for moving violations...right?

Stop bitching (not talking about the OP) and drive right if you don't like getting tickets.

Now, stop being fucking idiots and whining about it.


forum member
Mar 3, 2009
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Yeah, just like with everyone you've got the good ones and the bad ones... I know cops have the same emotions as everyone else and when they have a bad day they let the "power" go to their heads but a majority of the time it's because you are actually doing something wrong it just makes the difference between getting a ticket and getting a warning....
The only ticket I've gotten was actually a load of crap. I was supposedly clocked going "54 in a 35" it's a little hard to do that within 20ft after a red light in a 45 posted speed limit area in a line of traffic but theres no point in trying to argue with them it's your word vs theirs and they always win... Oh well I'm still here it didn't make my world end...

BUT in most cases people effin deserve them!

Police shouldn't be allowed to have a "bad day". If jimmy working at Wendy's has a bad day, might not get your ketchup. If a police officer has a bad day, he can ruin your life. They should uphold the law, not their interpretation of it.


Hi Im Justin
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
Police shouldn't be allowed to have a "bad day". If jimmy working at Wendy's has a bad day, might not get your ketchup. If a police officer has a bad day, he can ruin your life. They should uphold the law, not their interpretation of it.

Imaginary rep for you :thumb2:


Hi Im Justin
Jan 3, 2010
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Yes robocop FTW



forum member
Mar 3, 2009
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So cops should be robots? :wtf: Also if jimmy at wendys has a bad day he spits in your burger

Since when is following the law being a robot, because isn't that what we're expected to do? Shouldn't the people that uphold the laws be held to a higher standard than those that break them? I think certain laws should change, however I do have to abide by them until then.

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