So I was driving in the snow yesterday first time I’ve ever driven in snow ( im 18 and it never snows here ) as I live in Oklahoma and this is the first time it’s snowed all year so I wasn’t prepared, I was at school and it wasn’t snowing when I had went but whenever I was leaving it was pretty hard. And I slid into a pole thingy ( idk what it was really ), and the rear quarter panel and the bumper are both damaged, the photos don’t show it all. But I was mainly asking if y’all think the panel can be fixed or does it need replaced? I’ve heard sometimes it totals the car. It’s a 2012 5.0, it has 130K miles. Idk if that affects insurance. So I wanted to ask y’all what y’all thought about it all, I’m still beating myself up over this. I’m calling insurance today and everything, and I’m taking it to a shop when the snow melts. Also, sorry if this isn’t allowed here, please delete if it’s not!