Strange surging at 2500 RPM


Junior Member
Jan 1, 2025
Reaction score
St Louis
Hello everyone, New member and proud s197 4.0 owner of 15 years.

Here is my issue, Ever since I took the car out of storage last year I have been getting a weird sputtering/putting at around 2500 RPM. It is my summer car so it doesn't get many miles put on it and gets covered up in the carport for the winter. At first I thought it was a fuel pump and fuel filter related due to crummy gas even though I used Sta-bil before storage. I replaced the fuel filter twice, (one for the New Fuel Pump) and had the same issue so I decided to go with an upgraded Fuel pump, Getting the old one out was Fun. I decided to run it completely out of gas since the new fuel pump install. Just last week I filled up and have noticed that the surging has stopped somewhat but still happens at around 2500 RPM and occasionally when Idling in the cold. Was thinking it had something to do with the injectors so I ran a can of seafoam through the tank and seafoam spray through the intake, it smoothed out the idle Alot but still continues to hiccup at around 2500 RPM. No codes or pending codes stored either.

Everything is stock engine wise except for a Cold air intake and an oil catch can and a flowmaster 40 Exhaust, No tune. After I installed the new fuel pump I hooked up my scan tool and looked at the fuel trims, all appeared normal and the pump is putting out enough pressure under load. From what I am aware is these fuel pumps have issues with Bubbles getting in the fuel system. Ford even put out a TSB regarding the issue. Couldn't find any vacuum leaks either. One thing to note is it surges worse when the engine is stone cold as opposed to warmed up.
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Formerly TexasBlownV6
Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
Central Texas
Check / change the spark plugs. Look at the ones on the driver-side first, as they tend to wear faster. Had similar issues on a few 4.0's solved by changing the plugs :)


Senior Member
Super Moderator
Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
Sunny South Florida
Check and verify the element on the mass air meter is clean. There is specific mass air cleaner sold in parts stores. Does not take much dirt to cause an issue.

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