Ok so everyone post the ones they know and then we can combine them into a big list that is stickied at the top.
(R+M)/2==Average of Road Octane and Motor Octane and is the AKI of gasoline.
A/B or AB == Axle Back (in refrence to the s197 rear muffler location)
A/C COMP==air conditioner compressor
A/C==air conditioner
A/O = Air/Oil Separator
A4 == 4 Speed Automatic Tranny
A5 == 5 Speed Automatic tranny
ABS == Antilock Brake System
AFR == Air Fuel Ratio
AKI==Antiknock Indexà what the yellow sticker on the gas pump means.
AT==automation transmission
ATF==automatic transmission fluid==be sure to use the correct one!
BAP == Boost-A-Pump
BBR == Broken By Ron (94tbird)
BFH == Big Fing Hammer (Best tool in the toolbox)
BOV == Blow-off valve
BRAKE == (1) a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle or other moving mechanism by the absorption or transfer of the energy of momentum, usually by means of friction (2) anything that has a slowing or stopping effect.
BREAK == (1) to smash, split, or divide into parts violently; reduce to pieces or fragments (2) to destroy or interrupt the regularity, uniformity, continuity, or arrangement of; interrupt
CAI == Cold Air Intake
CARB == California Air Resources Board
CAT==catalytic converter
Centri == Centrifugal-type supercharger
CMCV DP == Charge Motion Control Valve Delete Plates
CO==carbon monoxide
COPs == Coil on Plugs (referring to the ignition system)
CPS==crankshaft position sensor and/or camshaft position sensor
CTS==coolant temperature sensor (not a Caddy!)
DD == Daily Driver (if the conversation is about your car), Deep Dish (if the conversation is about wheels (or pizza))
DIY == Do It Yourself
DRs == Drag Radials
DS == Driveshaft
DSL == Driveshaft Safety Loop
DTC==diagnostic trouble code
ECU==electronic control unit
EFI==electronic fuel injection
EGR==exhaust gas recirculation
EGT==exhaust gas temperature
eH2O == Electric Water Pump
ET == Elapsed Time
EWP==electric water pump
F/I == Forced Induction or Forced Intake
FPDM == Fuel pressure Driver module
FRPP == Ford Racing Performance Parts
FRPS == Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
FWHP/TQ == Flywheel Horsepower/Torque
GND==ground also denoted as COM for common.
GT = Gran Turismo
HID==high intensity discharge
HO == High Output
IAT == Intake Air Temp sensor
IIRC == If I Recall Correctly
KS==knock sensor
LB == longblock (fully-dressed engine)
LCA == Lower Control Arm
LED==light emitting diode
LSD == Limited-Slip Differential
LT's == Long Tube Headers
LTFT == Long Term Fuel Trim
M5 == 5 Speed Manual tranny
M6 == 6 Speed Manual tranny
MAF == Mass airflow sensor
MAP==Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (used on speed density cars, not MAF cars)
MIL==malfunction indicator light
MOPAR....Must Order Parts After Race
MPI==multiport fuel injection
MSD==multiple spark discharge
MT or STD==manual transmission
N/A == Naturally Asperated (or non-alcoholic)
N20 == Nitrous oxide
NOS == Nitrous Oxide Systems (A brand)
NOx--nitrous oxides
NVH == Noise Vibration Harshness
O/D or OD==overdrive
O/R == Off Road (No Cats)
O2S==oxygen sensor
OHC==overhead cam(s)
OHV==overhead valves
PCV==positive crankcase ventilation
PHB == Panhard bar
PN = Part Number
PS==power steering
PTEC==powertrain electronic control
RCBI = Ron Can't Break It
Rib == Number of ribs (grooves) on accessory drive pullies. (Example 8 rib or 6 rib)
RT == Reaction Time
RWHP = =Rear Wheel Horsepower
RWTQ == Rear Wheel Torque
S/C == Super Charger
S197 == Chassis designation of the current production Ford Mustangs ('05+)
SAE==Society of Automotive Engineering (standard sockets)
SB == shortblock (referring to the engine without heads, intake, or exhaust)
SDJ == She's Dead Jim - Any major component failure
Shorties == Short length primaries on Tubular header
SJB == Smart Junction Box
SRS == Supplemential Restraint System
STFT == Short Term Fuel Trim
SYT == Screamin Yellow Turd
T/C TC == Tourqe Converter or TurboCharger or Traction Control
TB == Throttle Body
TCS == Traction Control System
TEL==tetraethyllead==old time Ethyl fluid used to raise octane of gasoline and also to protect soft exhaust valve seats on older cars. Extremely poisonous!!! Kills O2Ss and CATs on modern cars. For off road use only.
TPS == Throttle Position Sensor
TS == Twin Screw
UCA == Upper Control Arm
UDP == Under Drive Pulley
VCT == Variable Cam Timing
VI or VIS==viscosity index (motor oil)
WAO==wide ass open (same as WOT in most cases.)..
WB==wide band
WOT == Wide Open throttle
WP==water pump
(R+M)/2==Average of Road Octane and Motor Octane and is the AKI of gasoline.
A/B or AB == Axle Back (in refrence to the s197 rear muffler location)
A/C COMP==air conditioner compressor
A/C==air conditioner
A/O = Air/Oil Separator
A4 == 4 Speed Automatic Tranny
A5 == 5 Speed Automatic tranny
ABS == Antilock Brake System
AFR == Air Fuel Ratio
AKI==Antiknock Indexà what the yellow sticker on the gas pump means.
AT==automation transmission
ATF==automatic transmission fluid==be sure to use the correct one!
BAP == Boost-A-Pump
BBR == Broken By Ron (94tbird)
BFH == Big Fing Hammer (Best tool in the toolbox)
BOV == Blow-off valve
BRAKE == (1) a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle or other moving mechanism by the absorption or transfer of the energy of momentum, usually by means of friction (2) anything that has a slowing or stopping effect.
BREAK == (1) to smash, split, or divide into parts violently; reduce to pieces or fragments (2) to destroy or interrupt the regularity, uniformity, continuity, or arrangement of; interrupt
CAI == Cold Air Intake
CARB == California Air Resources Board
CAT==catalytic converter
Centri == Centrifugal-type supercharger
CMCV DP == Charge Motion Control Valve Delete Plates
CO==carbon monoxide
COPs == Coil on Plugs (referring to the ignition system)
CPS==crankshaft position sensor and/or camshaft position sensor
CTS==coolant temperature sensor (not a Caddy!)
DD == Daily Driver (if the conversation is about your car), Deep Dish (if the conversation is about wheels (or pizza))
DIY == Do It Yourself
DRs == Drag Radials
DS == Driveshaft
DSL == Driveshaft Safety Loop
DTC==diagnostic trouble code
ECU==electronic control unit
EFI==electronic fuel injection
EGR==exhaust gas recirculation
EGT==exhaust gas temperature
eH2O == Electric Water Pump
ET == Elapsed Time
EWP==electric water pump
F/I == Forced Induction or Forced Intake
FPDM == Fuel pressure Driver module
FRPP == Ford Racing Performance Parts
FRPS == Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
FWHP/TQ == Flywheel Horsepower/Torque
GND==ground also denoted as COM for common.
GT = Gran Turismo
HID==high intensity discharge
HO == High Output
IAT == Intake Air Temp sensor
IIRC == If I Recall Correctly
KS==knock sensor
LB == longblock (fully-dressed engine)
LCA == Lower Control Arm
LED==light emitting diode
LSD == Limited-Slip Differential
LT's == Long Tube Headers
LTFT == Long Term Fuel Trim
M5 == 5 Speed Manual tranny
M6 == 6 Speed Manual tranny
MAF == Mass airflow sensor
MAP==Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (used on speed density cars, not MAF cars)
MIL==malfunction indicator light
MOPAR....Must Order Parts After Race
MPI==multiport fuel injection
MSD==multiple spark discharge
MT or STD==manual transmission
N/A == Naturally Asperated (or non-alcoholic)
N20 == Nitrous oxide
NOS == Nitrous Oxide Systems (A brand)
NOx--nitrous oxides
NVH == Noise Vibration Harshness
O/D or OD==overdrive
O/R == Off Road (No Cats)
O2S==oxygen sensor
OHC==overhead cam(s)
OHV==overhead valves
PCV==positive crankcase ventilation
PHB == Panhard bar
PN = Part Number
PS==power steering
PTEC==powertrain electronic control
RCBI = Ron Can't Break It
Rib == Number of ribs (grooves) on accessory drive pullies. (Example 8 rib or 6 rib)
RT == Reaction Time
RWHP = =Rear Wheel Horsepower
RWTQ == Rear Wheel Torque
S/C == Super Charger
S197 == Chassis designation of the current production Ford Mustangs ('05+)
SAE==Society of Automotive Engineering (standard sockets)
SB == shortblock (referring to the engine without heads, intake, or exhaust)
SDJ == She's Dead Jim - Any major component failure
Shorties == Short length primaries on Tubular header
SJB == Smart Junction Box
SRS == Supplemential Restraint System
STFT == Short Term Fuel Trim
SYT == Screamin Yellow Turd
T/C TC == Tourqe Converter or TurboCharger or Traction Control
TB == Throttle Body
TCS == Traction Control System
TEL==tetraethyllead==old time Ethyl fluid used to raise octane of gasoline and also to protect soft exhaust valve seats on older cars. Extremely poisonous!!! Kills O2Ss and CATs on modern cars. For off road use only.
TPS == Throttle Position Sensor
TS == Twin Screw
UCA == Upper Control Arm
UDP == Under Drive Pulley
VCT == Variable Cam Timing
VI or VIS==viscosity index (motor oil)
WAO==wide ass open (same as WOT in most cases.)..
WB==wide band
WOT == Wide Open throttle
WP==water pump
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