2008 "tigermachine II" Bullitt Mustang build, Pics & Video on Post #518 ...


Whippled Coyote
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
But do you have any MORE pictures about the car you didn't buy?


of Omicron Persei 8
S197 Team Member
Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
Rush, NY
So you are mad that a business took the higher profit offer? You act like you had claim to this car. You didn't. It was for sale to whomever was ready to pay the most money and step up to do it. You were in talks to buy it. While in a back and forth another buyer said I'll give you $X for the car to the dealer. Sales manager says lat's do the deal. It's over. Cars gone. Move on. There are others.

You're disappointed. I get that. But don't carry on like a little brat that didn't get her way. You'll find another.

And yes they should have been honest with you. But they had no obligation to anything but take the highest offer.


Doesn't have much to say
S197 Team Member
Sep 11, 2009
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SE Wis
He obviously got an admin to delete his post. But I read it before it disappeared.

I see two things.

1 - Terry is probably a very nice guy, a good neighbor, friend, relative, etc. So I can have some sympathy just because of that.

2 - He must have lived some kind of charmed life where stuff seldom went wrong. Because every time something happens he gets overly worked up about it and then on top of that he gets upset when guys on the forum say stuff like, "yeah thats how it works", "just cause you spent 100k does not make it worth 100k", "stuff breaks when you mod cars", etc. So he has super thin skin which naturally makes me want to make fun of him just to see the him get spun up, but maybe thats just me because I'm not that nice of a guy :)

Back to the kitty cat car, so what, you missed the purchase, its just a car, buy a different one. It sounded like the guy that bought the car was actually standing there in the dealership wanting to buy it while you were 1000 miles away talking on the phone. The salesman has to take the bird in the hand, no question. Until he sees money he doesn't know how serious a buyer is.


of Omicron Persei 8
S197 Team Member
Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
Rush, NY
Why do the good scenes always play when I am away getting more popcorn?

He obviously got an admin to delete his post. But I read it before it disappeared.

He posted this from a hellcat forum post. I went and found it.


I'll attempt to make this as short as I can because right this minute I'm still Pissed-Off !!!

I have been working with, Mac Haik Flowood CDJR in Flowood, MS. 39232
I have been working on the 2016 Hellcat deal for like a week now.
Two (2) days ago I was talking again with (Brandon Seward) Sales Manager.
I made them an offer and Brandon had to get the Final Decision from the GM (Will LaGrange).
(They have Multiple locations so Will travels between them and is hardly ever in his office at the Flowood Store)
Brandon says Terry I'll call you back in 15-minutes buddy after talking to Will.
No call back so finally today I decided to Text and Call Brandon as I have his cell number.
(Also called his Direct-Line and left a voice message)
So, me coming from that world of 20 plus yrs working at dealerships I thought this guy is NOT going to call me back.
I'm thinking to myself I bet the Low-Life has sold the Hellcat and that's what is really going on.
So I also had the young man's cell number I was working with, (Salesman).
I call his cell and he answers and I tell him what's going on and find out he actually took his 1-day off yesterday.
He tells me Terry, Brandon said that Hellcat is sold and they are getting ready to deliver it right now.

I'm totally Livid as you can well imagine !!!

I now decide to track down Will the GM and do in-fact find out he is at the Jackson Dealership per one of the Sales Managers.
That sales manager said I''l talk to him in person Terry as I saw him here a little while ago if he is still here.
I finally got a call from Will the GM that's over all the stores as I left a message for him at the Jackson Dealership ^^^.
I'll try to now shorten this a lot and get to the bottom-line.
Brandon tells William (Salesman) and Will (GM) that he called me and I did not answer my cell phone and he left me a message to call him.
Talk about a Low-Life lying little Prick !!!
I am retired and right here at home and would instantly answer my cell phone if I got a call on it.
Also the cell would have notified me if I happened to miss a call as you all know.
Will and I did talk for awhile and this is what it came down to.
He was NOT going to STOP the transaction even though Brandon lied his ass off on contacting me and giving me 1st right of Refusal.
Quote: (Terry it's simple, you were out Bid and we are in the Business to make as much Profit as we can)
So, I'm not going to Stop the Transaction and it seems it was poor communication between you and Brandon sorry about that.
(But, I'm not going to Stop the Transaction it's to late and Not Fair to the Current Buyer that Out-Bid-You)

Even though Brandon had already agreed on the price earlier.
I counter offered and was waiting for Will to make the Final Decision.

Well another story on how and why I have Zero Use for Car Dealerships.
As I have stated many-many times they have the Reputation they do because they work so hard at it."

Terry may not like that I did this. But from one Terry to another, stand by what you post even if you don't like the response it gets. You look bad removing a post when you get called out for it.

Kinda cracks me up when guys think a business has some code to honor a so-called gentleman's agreement. If you are talking to any dealership about buying a car, but haven't signed any kind of paperwork or even been in the dealership and someone else walks into that dealership plops down some cash and signs paperwork, you are crazy to think they won't take that deal and forget yours. You are a phantom until you sign on the line. You might disappear. If they refuse an offer from a guy in the store because you expressed interest over the phone and then you disappear, They lost the sale to you and they lost the sale to the guy that was in the store. No dealer will risk that.
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weather man

Persistance Is A Bitch
S197 Team Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Terry should know better. Money talks and bullshit walks at every dealer. On a car that has been in inventory for a while, first swinging dick that says yes wins.


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S197 Team Member
Apr 11, 2009
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So this is what you have more than likely not yet seen or read.
This is the Rest-of-that-Cluster .uck.
You guys think I have thin skin so be it.
Actually if any of you actually knew me in person you would already know that to be funny sure enough.
I removed the post simply because it looked to me like none of you posting wanted to discuss the situation as car guys.
You simply in some cases as usual luv Busting-My-Balls.
I'm not really into that sort of thing but then I'm not a young fellow and it seems the younger generation would rather be Ass-Holes than to talk in a serious manner.
So be it here is the rest of what took place.
The one's of you that like jumping in my $hit have at it.
The ones that read this that are actual car guys and wish to discuss what took place I'm all in.

I much prefer to be looked at as a nice guy rather than an Older Smart-Ass ...........
That's why I don't join in with all the back and forth crap as to me it simply serves no one and accomplishes nothing.
Well, maybe other than the comedians on here loving to do their usual thing.

No I did not go back and Proof the post it is what it is as far as Spelling.

Below is as some of you know actually posted on the Hellcat site on the (Black Listed Dealer) thread.


Well I didn't take the time (Above) here to type for another 30-minutes to tell every blow by blow that actually took place.
I read the other member's above post and figured just agree and move on.
Actually it was one big mess from the very beginning.
I got stuck with working with a New Young fellow in his early 20's that had been in the business for like 9 months.
He got the internet call in's which was me.
As it turned out it was coming up to the end of Nov. so he was trying to get his sold unit numbers I'm sure to keep his job.
So, I got screwed as I could not get him to return phone calls in a timely manner.
I asked William (Young Salesman) to take pictures of the Hellcat for me.
Turns out his cell phone he Dropped so couldn't use it.
I'll use another salesman's cell Terry and get those pictures to you and also check the Hellcat for any flaws and call you right back.
Did not call me back and I never got any pictures of the Hellcat !!!
Two (2) days later see below,

Then finally when he did call I asked him to totally check the Hellcat for paint, dents any flaws that you could easily see with your eyes.
He screws around some more and ends up before going home one night looking at it under the lights at the dealership as it sat on the lot.
He did this while talking with me on his cell.
Turns out the driver's door, passenger door, behind the gas cap were issues.
So he was then going to take it the very next morning to Kenny the body-Shop-Manager to see if all that could be fixed so it could not even tell they ever happened.
Keep in mind this is a Hellcat with an MSRP of $73,000.00 dollars.
So who in their right mind wants to buy a New Hellcat with paint issues !!!
Well I wait and as usual don't hear back from him.
So I then check and find out who the New G/M is for the store which was Will.
I go on line and see Will had his E-Mail listed.
I call and thankfully got a friendly receptionist and told her what was the best way to make sure Will checked an important, time sensitive E-Mail I was sending him regarding buying the last Hellcat they had ???
Thank-goodness she said I can hand deliver Will a Note for him to check his E-Mail and look for the one from you.
So she did exactly that !!!
I take my time and type a very specific E-Mail to him explaining I want to purchase the Hellcat and what I needed to know to do that.
Turns out Will is actually the G/M over all the Dodge stores there so he is never in his office to really check E-Mails or Phone Messages.
He then turns the deal over to Brandon (Sales Manager) to get it handled.
Now I finally have someone I'm thinking that will not be screwing around and let's get this deal done.
Well I ask Brandon to check the Hellcat out personally for any flaws of which he stayed on his cell and did that as he went over the Hellcat with me.
Well guess what ???
The young man checking it in the dark did not see that the Satin-Black-Hood had been sat against against and that messed up the Finish on it.
So, now we have the doors, behind the gas cap, and the hood plus whatever else paint wise was messed-up.
I ask Brandon to take pictures of the Hellcat as his cell phone had not been dropped.
No problem Terry, Never got any pictures from either person !!!

Brandon takes it now to Kenny (Body-Shop-Manager) to see what it would take to get these issues corrected ???
He is suppose to call me right back as soon as Kenny looks at the Hellcat.
Nope, that does not take place as usual.
Next day I get the call from Brandon (Sales Manager) and he says,
Terry Kenny said the Satin-Black-Hood will have to be Repainted and that will cost, $1,250.00 Dollars.
If we do that then I can't sell it to you as we agreed !!!
I said to Brandon at that point in a Calm voice, (So Brandon your New Hellcat has a hood messed-up and you guys expect me to pay for the repair of your New Hellcat Hood, right ???
I said Brandon seriously if we turned this around and it was you and your money, would you think it was very professional of a Dealership to give you a price that was agreed on and then the same Sales Manager comes and says to you.
Oh the hood is messed up and if we repair it you will have to pay for that even though it's our car and it's a New one that's never left our lot ???
Brandon says I agree Terry but that's where we are so I say to Brandon still calmly (Believe it or not).
Okay then what are you guys willing to do to off-set this additional cost I'm now expected to pay for ???
Terry give me 15-Minutes and I'll call you right back after I talk to Will (G/M).
I said to Brandon, (Do you want a Deposit once you call me back and we make this totally official), yes.
I said to Brandon, no-worries just let me know how much you want and the loan is already Pre-Approved by Bank-of-America so were all set.

You know the rest of the Story guys from reading my 1st post above .......
I just didn't take the time to type all of this as Blow by Blow !!!
I very well could have left something off trying to carefully explain the events as best as I can.

So, guys this never had anything to do with me committing to buy/purchase the Hellcat.
It all revolved around the lack of professionalism from all the Employees I dealt with.
And the reason I did not do a Deposit ???
Simple, who in their right mind was going to do a Deposit-Long-Distance out-of State based on how these guys were handling things.
Can you imagine trying to get your Deposit back from the way this was handled ???

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of Omicron Persei 8
S197 Team Member
Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
Rush, NY
Well sounds like you dodged a bullet to me. The additional info adds a new dimension to the story for sure.

No matter what, I would be ready to pass on that car due to the hood damage alone. And the dealer trying to say you have to pay for the repair on the brand new, never registered car is BS. I would walk away right there. You don't need that car or to deal with that dealer.


forum member
Mar 5, 2013
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Can't you get a local dealer to just order exactly what you want ?


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S197 Team Member
Apr 11, 2009
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Can't you get a local dealer to just order exactly what you want ?

Yes I could if I wanted to spend $80,000.00 Dollars MSRP plus Tax etc.
I'm not wanting or willing to do that.
I was doing this Hellcat as it had the right options and I could live with the color.
It was all about the Price !!!

Well sounds like you dodged a bullet to me. The additional info adds a new dimension to the story for sure.

No matter what, I would be ready to pass on that car due to the hood damage alone. And the dealer trying to say you have to pay for the repair on the brand new, never registered car is BS. I would walk away right there. You don't need that car or to deal with that dealer.

Well honestly I thought once this got turned over to Brandon from Will it would go smooth and Fast.
Simply did not even remotely happen.

As some of my buddies have said and my wife, Terry be glad you didn't get it.

I agree even though to me a guy that comes from being in that business for 20-years it just pissed me off, period.
There is as we all know always another car.
That's not what really bothered me it was Brandon pulling the Shady Crap he did and then would not answer his cell, text, office phone, page etc.
What a little Prick !!!

And if it was not bad enough that Brandon would not talk to me.
I finally run down Will in their Jackson store after talking with a sales mgr. there.
And telling the sales mgr. it would be highly advisable to make sure you get hold of Will before I turn this situation over to an Attorney.
(I figured just maybe then Will would call me back)
Than will says, (Terry you simply got out bid and sounds like there was some bad communication between you and Brandon.
Sorry about that.
But I'm not stopping the deal that's going on right now.)
I said to Will, so Brandon your sales Mgr. agreed with me on the price and knew I was going to buy the Hellcat and your still not going to stop the deal ??
Will, says, Terry that would not be fair to the guy buying it now that out bid you.

Pathetic guys !!!

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forum member
Sep 30, 2015
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It sounds like you didn't quite have a deal, and the other guy did.

Shady practices WRT the issues that delayed you getting the deal made, maybe.

You're probably better off. The car wasn't pristine, there wasn't goodwill with handling that or the deal, and the future relationship was already doomed.

You'll get over it. People suck, lower your standards or continue to be disappointed.


forum member
Dec 16, 2014
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Sorry things didn't work out. I know what it's like to anticipate a new vehicle, and then have everything go south. We all know most dealers $uck -- if the vast majority of car salesmen we're worth a crap, they'd be doing something else for a living.


Senior Member
S197 Team Member
Apr 11, 2009
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Sorry things didn't work out. I know what it's like to anticipate a new vehicle, and then have everything go south. We all know most dealers $uck -- if the vast majority of car salesmen we're worth a crap, they'd be doing something else for a living.

Amen and I happen to know your right I saw them on a daily basis for 20 plus years.

As far as that Hellcat big freaking deal there is always another car down the path.

Personally I didn't like this but in my case it changes not one thing in my life at all.

What would be really SAD is if this was a guy that really had his Heart & Soul into this Hellcat and it was all he could afford.
And he had already told all his buddies, family, co-workers etc and then they Jerked the car right out from under him.
That truly would Suck !!!



Whippled Coyote
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
I'm sorry but do any of you guys really read Terry's WHOLE posts?
I start reading and my eyes glaze over, then I scroll down a bit and want to stab my eyeballs with 15 cactuses at once.


forum member
Feb 12, 2010
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Las Vegas, NV
Pretty sad that guys who make their living dealing with people and selling cars are so bad at their job. My guess is that the newb salesman will be out of the car business before long.

Terry, if you find a Hellcat in stock at a las vegas dealership, I would be willing to check it out for you, and maybe even deliver it to Tennessee for you. Just be aware that Vanishing Point is one of my favorite movies. :)


forum member
Feb 12, 2010
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Las Vegas, NV
Sales is a customer service job. Treat your customers right, and you will get referral business. Treat your customers poorly, and burn bridges.


Because street car
S197 Team Member
Apr 5, 2007
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Phila, PA
I'm sorry but do any of you guys really read Terry's WHOLE posts?
I start reading and my eyes glaze over, then I scroll down a bit and want to stab my eyeballs with 15 cactuses at once.
This entire thread is a dick-stroke fest with nearly incomprehensible prose and telenovela drama. It's kind of hilarious and kind of sad at the same time. I come for the laughs and stay for the tears.

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